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Omega DGM NBP Filter


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I've owned one of these filters, in the 2" fitting, for a while now and have found it an excellent companion to my Lumicon O-III filter. The NBP (Narrow Band Pass) filter is similar to a UHC filter and I find it provides more subtle enhancement nebulosity than the O-III and I prefer it on objects such as M42, M97 and quite a few others including the smaller planetary nebulae. The O-III filter has more impact on super novae remnants such as the Veil nebula but the NBP filter will provide enhanced views of such objects as well of course.

Up until now sourcing the Omega DGM NBP filter in the UK has been a little difficult because there didn't seem to be any retailers on this side of the Atlantic carrying it so it's nice to see this Danish supplier (with which I've no links I hasten to add) offering them:


These are not low cost filters but they are priced at a lower point than the competing (and also excellent) Lumicon UHC.

The "filter guru" David Knisely has been very enthuthiastic about the performance of the DGM NBP filter for quite a while:


Having used one myself for a while now, I understand why :icon_biggrin:


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Astronomik filters are pretty good as well. Prior to the Lumicon O-III / DGM NBP pair I own now I used the Lumicon O-III for quite a few years as my sole deep sky filter and found it excellent in my scopes from 4" to 12" aperture.

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Thanks John, not a total lemon then :icon_biggrin:

I've been impressed with the Astronomik Oiii so hopefully the UHC will complement.. But back to the OP it's great to see the options this side of the pond further enhanced with NBP, variety is the spice and all!

As you say "similar to the UHC" which as we all know can be a very persuasive argument in our minds eye to buying another bit of kit at times of great boredom and cloudiness..



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