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wipe my computer of disc drives? I have a lenovo thinkpad laptop and up untill a few months ago was using EQMOD. After having problems ( it just wont connect) I was thinking sod it wipe the laptop and start from fresh. But I  would imagine there would be a way to just wipe every drive off there, the only thing on my lappy to keep would be BYN which i would need to find the reg key for but that shouldnt be to difficult. I understand it could just be the cable but to find out if it is it will cost me another £30.00. theres no skywatching on the horizon due to the weather so thought I would go back to trying to get it going Really dont mind doing that computer sharing thingy if someone knows what they doing and wants to control my laptop.

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Do you mean that you want to reinstall Windows on it without preserving your other files? That's easy enough - if you have the installation disk.

Which model of ThinkPad is it and which version of Windows are you running? 

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Hi, perhaps if you upgraded to Win 10 (for free) the new install would probably fix your problem when all the drivers etc are loaded in?

If you decide to do this, it might be a good idea to "Google" the compatability of any programs you want to keep as anything Win 10 doesn't like will be removed.

Hope this helps :)


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If you want a thorough erase/wipe of your HDD than DBAN. If you have a recovery partition on your HDD... this is also erased. Are you sure you want to this? (Y/N)


Then partition, format, install etc.

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I don't think that wiping your laptop is the answer and even if it is you shouldn't need to remove the OS install, unless you have good reason to think that it's corrupted, just a full factory restore should be adequate and that's pretty simple as your laptop will talk you through it.

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It seems that some people have had problems running EQMOD on win 10, but not everyone. Your previous install is backed up and you can always roll back if you need to - for about a month after upgrading, I think.


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14 hours ago, brrttpaul said:

i was thinking that but havnt there been a lot of probs with eqmod and windows 10?

Really? Can't say I've noticed any such complaints on the EQMOD group. Perhaps some folk sare having issues with their usb/serial drivers? - but that's not an EQMOD specific thing.

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Wiping and reinstalling your laptop would not be my first choice...

It may be COM port related. Do you always use the same USB port for EQMOD? DO you have a USB hub connected?

I've had EQMOD connection issues in the past after trying different USB hubs in different USB inputs on my laptop (also a Lenovo ThinkPad). The laptop wasn't freeing up ports as I tried various connections, eventually preventing EQMOD from getting a port. Go to Device Manager, select View Hidden Devices, and expand Ports. If you see more than a few entries, that could be your problem.

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Yes im betting my house that is what the problem is TBH. What happened is I bought a CCD  back in Otober and for a week I was playing with it etc trying to get it running. When I was happy I then put the whole lot together to get it all running, that is when I realised I had the problem ( I did use the USB for the camera) . trying to fix it unistalling reinstalling only dug the hole deeper and now i am at the point where im completely lost with it. I might also add originally I was using a USB extention originally (blue rigger) and now I am not. I,m pretty sure its a com port issue but just cant get around it at all

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On ‎8‎-‎2‎-‎2016 at 16:59, brrttpaul said:

Well i dont understand that, for months all i have had is a window pop up "upgrade to windows 10"  twice now I have tried and twice its failed lol. think im doomed

Not all processors can handle W-10... If that is the case W-10 will just not install. In my case it kind of ruined my HD... lost everything. Not a nice experience...

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