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I have been interested in Space for years, I can remember watching the last men walk on the Moon (so you can guess my age). I have never owned a telescope due various reasons; had the money but not time; beer; had the time, but no money; girls; neither money or time; cars; etc. However I  appear to be a position to purchase a telescope (if the Household CEO grants permission) and a son who also appears to interested. So I guess like a lot of people, I have joined to ask a lot of dumb questions and hopefully explorer the cosmos with my son.

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Hi Spitzie,

Welcome to SGL, this is the place to get those questions answered, a wealth of knowledge is here & no such thing as a silly question, maybe silly answers.....

Get yourself a copy of stellarium HERE its free planetarium software and will let you understand what you will be able to see.



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Hi Spitzie

I just joined a few hours before you :- )

I also vaguely remember them waving behind thick windows in a big box on a ship after they returned.

Edit: and to show that I'm a newbie I already managed to double-post... sorry for that. :homework:

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