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Probably a silly question but I'm new!

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Hi everyone I'm new to all this, I bought a skywatcher 130 reflector a few days ago and it has the big dust cap on the end. Question is do you keep the main dust cap on when using it as It has another small cap on the dust cap which comes off so do you just pull the small cap off to use the telescope? Or does the whole dust cap needs to come off to use the telescope properly?? It's been cloudy everyday so havnt been able to use the scope yet to figure it out ☺. Hope I made myself clear.

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That hole has always puzzled me as well. I read somewhere that it was a common practise at one time with many Asiatic telescope manufacturers (including Synta) to add a 1.25" aperture hole to the objective lens cap to facilitate the application of solar filters for viewing eclipses. I don't know how true this is and it is VERY dangerous to look at the Sun through a telescope without specialist equipment. 

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Don't be concerned about asking about anything Jim.  The person who doesn't ask questions or do something really ridiculous hasn't been an astronomer for very long.  It's fine to make mistakes, but better if you don't keep making the same ones!  :smile:

Also, astronomy covers such a vast number of different areas, you will always be learning - no matter how long your astronomical interest lasts.

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6 hours ago, cloudsweeper said:

Out of desperation to see anything, I'm now a bit of an expert on roof tiles, TV aerials, lamp posts.  And wood pigeons!

And do you know what?  I'm sure they know they're being watched.  Try it!


Lamp posts definitely know they're being watched ...

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If you want to see some real dark skies try leaving all the dust caps on.   When first had the scope a few years ago I spent 10 minutes trying to phathom out why the sky was so black.   I'd done every the instruction had said to do.  Apart from put the dust cover on the dining room table.  Unbeknown to me my wife thought she was helping and put it back on.  

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