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Brian Cox on National Geographic now


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Interesting interview with BC on Startalk on National Geographic ATM seems a bit more relaxed than usual, apparently started out in  group having fights in bars in the USA a good intro to physics he says.



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I watched it and thought it was okay.

I usually listen to the Podcast of Star Talk Radio with NDT so was the first time on TV. I felt Brian came over well and clearly knew what he was talking about and as the original poster has said appeared a little more rock and roll!

As for the production of the program well it sounded like too much whooping and cheering for my liking, especially when the audience appeared to be static! Maybe the production team getting carried away with the sound effects.
It would have been nice to have more of the interview in one go rather than quick sound bits, though I guess that's the format of the show?

Will keep an eye out for the next one...

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Yes would have been better if BC interview was all in one piece but still interesting, can't criticise our American cousins, having been bought up on a diet of live audience soaps where everybody whoops and hollers at the anticipated, much repeated catch phrase it just comes naturally :)



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