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Hello from Woodley, near Stockport


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Hi, I'm Mark, I've been a long time lurker, I've been using the forum for quite a while for research and it's a really great tome of knowledge, and has provided invaluable guidance, especially on equipment and techniques.

I have had a long interest in astronomy, space and science in general since being a kid, but I only took the plunge and got my first telescope back in 2012, which at the time was nothing special just a cheap and cheerful Celestron Newtonian, but it peaked my interest and the following year I bought a Nexstar 8SE which has served me very well for observing.

Another of my interests is photography, I also work in commercial print and repro, so Photoshop, retouching etc are part of my skill set and so inevitably I have gravitated towards imaging, some might say a perilous pursuit for sanity and wallet alike.  I started learning very basic stuff using the 8SE and my Canon SLR, and over the past couple of years have practiced more and more, both with the scope and just using camera and tripod for night sky shots.

Obviously I discovered many limitations of the single arm fork mount along the way for photographic pursuits, but have enjoyed the learning experience, and even the frustrations when things haven't worked out, it's just spurred me on to learn how to do it better.

Having been bitten by the astro-toggling bug, I have recently got myself an AZ EQ6 mount, after reading up the many reports on EQ mounts on SGL over the past 18 months or so I wanted something that would be capable and that as my experience develops can grow with me, for the money and the fact they appear to be a popular mount with lots of folks on here it made the most sense, with the knowledge that exists here in the forums it's an investment that hopefully should serve me well for a good few years.

I have gathered a bit of new kit over the last 12 months while we have had a house extension, which had curtailed much of my astro (especially with the scope) during 2015, but enabled me to plan out what kit I needed to start out with to learn more. I got Steve Richards Book Making Every Photon Count (after reading advice to do so on here) which has been an exceptional point of reference which I turn to often and no doubt will do so more as I expand further into the hobby.

I got myself a small 72mm ED-R from Altair Astro last summer as the basis to learn more DSO astro-photography. The 8SCT ota as I understand it requires a steeper learning curve for dso use, but I have held onto it for planetary and lunar and will use it with new mount as and when.  I also recently got a 60mm finder and a GPCAM as well as assorted filters, adaptors and cables to start learning more about guiding and ccd imaging, 2016 and beyond will be a year of learning for me when the dreaded clouds allow, it's not been a great month so far.

So that's a little about me, just thought it was about time I said hello and thanks to those involved in producing a great forum, I have some involvement (via another interest) with a busy motoring forum that I helped to produce and I know how stressful and frustrating they can be to run, keep up the good work it's a great forum.

I hope to chip in a bit more and no doubt will be pecking your heads for info.

Here is a link to my Flickr page which shows off a little of what I've accomplished in recent years, some ok, some a bit iffy but I'm enjoying the learning curve. 


Thanks for reading/looking and clear skies.





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16 hours ago, tony210 said:

Welcome Mark - great eclipse photos - best wishes Tony

Thanks Tony, that was the first time I really attempted any solar, I had a practice run a few weeks before the eclipse last March but that was a great morning, clouds just remained thin enough to capture most of it.  Great experience.  Even managed to get a few in the local newspaper. :)

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