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Newbie checking in

Keith Roberts

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Hi Keith and welcome to the forum. So you have chosen the 'dark side' well that will certainly provide you with an initial steep learning curve but one I would imagine that you are more than capable climbing. Research is the key for sure and deciding on what it is that are likely to be imaging will assist you on what's needed on the kit front. Solar system objects pretty straight forward but Deep Sky Objects (DSO's) such as galaxies will require an accurate mount at the very least which isn't necessarily cheap. Lots of very competent imagers on here to take you through the smaller details but I would certainly recommend that you get hold of a copy of Steve Richards "Making Every Photon Count" if you want to get a good solid understand in astro imaging.

Clear skies and hope you enjoy your stay here.

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Hi and welcome- astrophotography is a great addiction and a long road - I call my sessions -(which are getting later and later- don't mix with work ) -a lonely vigil - still I love the data and results - best to dive in - you wont regret it ! best wishes Tony

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