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Fresh Meat Milton Keynes

Star Kid

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Hi all,

New to the forum and have been observing loosely for just over a year. I lived next to the Cotswold's when i bought my scope but have since moved to Milton Keynes (awesome light pollution!).

I have had some nice views of the moon and in my opinion some great viewing of Jupiter where i could see the moons and bands but no red spot as of yet. I have had a brief encounter with both Saturn and Mars but nothing to write home about. I would love to see Andromeda and the Orion Nebula through the scope and have got myself a DSLR for capturing the magic. My current set up is as follows:

Skywatcher 130/900M on a EQ2 mount

Nikon D3300 DSLR

I also purchased some new plossil eyepieces ranging from 9mm up to 15mm and managed to wangle a 36mm into the deal that i find really useful.

I am in the Great Linford area and plan on trying the Ivinghoe beacons for some observing. Does anyone know what it's like up there at night and what sort of images i should aim for with my set up, I'm not expecting too much but would like to know if I'm on the right track. I'll to post my first pics once the skies have cleared and would love to see pictures from people with similar set up's if anyone could guide me in the right direction? Thanks for all the help so far just reading through the forum has taught me some nice things to try and i'll look forward to more!


Thanks for having me!

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Welcome to the SGL Star Kid.

Keep looking for and at Jupiter, the more you look, the more you will see, and on the odd occasion when the seeing is absolutely perfect, the image will astound you!

Also to note, the GRS is not as red as expected any more, its more or less the same colour of the band that encompasses the GRS, so just keep looking. 

Darker sites and patience is the key.

Keep looking


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Star Kid.......do you have Stellarium installed? Its great for those colder nights, and a brilliant tool prior to going out!

Its actually a freeware program, just about any platform, a virtual planetarium, that you can configure to your  own location, then you can view everything and anything up there?

There's a lot to find in the program, but all the help is available in the Wiki manuals.

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Hi Charic 

I installed stellarium this morning, still trying to work out how to use it! I'll spend some time on it tonight as it looks like more clouds! There's so much to learn, I can't wait to start collecting some images and sharing them with you guys!

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1 hour ago, Star Kid said:

........ i didn't see anything at the bottom but I'll trust you! Itching to get home now!

Thanks again for your help!

There are two pop-up menus, bottom and lower left that appear when you mouse over them. When their visible, if you click on the little black triangles in the lower left corner of the screen, these will 'square' and leave the menus open and 'locked'

Many options are visible in the menu and a few more can be edited to the menu. Enjoy the learning curve.

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