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I noticed a LOT of UK folks.. is this forum mainly for Europe?


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Welcome to SGL Frank. :)

We don't care where you're from so long as you've got a scope and like looking at the night sky. We'll even help you buy your first scope if you don't have one - love spending other peoples money for them lol. :grin:

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Welcome to SGL from me too :)  I also don't care where people come from :)  I love to be able to talk to people all over the world and have many online friends from faraway places :)

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Hi Frank and welcome to SGL.

SGL is a bit like the Schengen Treaty* - freedom of movement within the EU without border restrictions.

* I will not discuss the Schengen Treaty any further as it is political and discussing politics on SGL is a "No!"

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The founders were (still are!) British and so that's where it started, but we are now a truly international forum :smile:  What you might notice is that we do still have a certain way of doing things here which is maybe a bit different to some other forums - we strive for a sense of community: look for collaboration and cooperation, encouragement and common interest rather than competition or criticism ;-)  

We hope you enjoy being a member here :smile:


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...and, while refractor types and reflector types do treat each other with care, they still share a pint and and only hit each other in fun...

:icon_biggrin: lly

I'm in both camps :D  I talk to myself but rarely fight :icon_biggrin:

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Although I'm originally from England, I've spent nearly 25 years in Chile - most of that time looking for the Pole Star, and I still can't find it.

Seriously, astronomy is a pretty international hobby. And thanks to a forum member here, Ruud from the Netherlands, I'm now in contact with another amateur who lives less than five miles from me in Putaendo, Chile! It's a small world :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin:

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When you look at the sky, your country of residence is pretty irrelevant.  :icon_biggrin:

Except when you live in Scotland  - our sky of late has mutated into a permanently impenetrable wet grey blanket!

We need more cousins from across the pond on the forum;  they can regale us with stories of what a clear sky looks like.  I have even heard rumours of bright shiny things residing there in the night! :happy6:

Welcome aboard Frank, you're  more than welcome here. :hello2:


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I'm in both camps :D  I talk to myself but rarely fight :icon_biggrin:

Gina someone famous (Scot Fitzgerald I think) once said that  "the test of a first rate intelligence was the ability to hold two opposing ideas simultaneously and still retain the ability to function."   You can hold your head high.


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