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Eq5 Handset Issues


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It seems I might have become a victim of the EQ5 handset failure issue.

After months of blameless tracking/guiding, my add-on RA and DEC motor controller (with the Steppenwolf described ST4 port mod)

(looks like this



has started doing odd things. Sometimes it sticks on in RA, with the activity led stuck on red and the stars trailing rapidly across the image. At others the led goes out altogether (both with the battery pack and the stabilised 6v mains adapter).

Have been unable to replicate the symptoms on the bench (and not entirely sure what to do if I could, armed only with a cheap multimeter).

So it might be replacement time (haven’t quite persuaded myself I am worth a Mesu 200 or even an EQ6). The original black handsets don’t appear to be available separately (and given the posts elsewhere on multiple failures might not be good idea anyway) but there appears to be an upgraded version with a red front panel:


which, although costing almost as much as the original upgrade, does have some advantages. Has anyone who has gone this route got a good or bad experience to share? In particular, has it proved more durable than the original (black) version?

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Mine played up once and it was just a case of opening cleaning all contacts checking joints and connectors letting it dry thoroughly and then reassemble,abit similar to a tv remote it was a small piece of dirt that rendered mine useless and that was two years ago and it still works.Got to be worth a try(free).Oh where the power lead plugs into the handset check that as well they can become abit hit and miss

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Thanks, Jonn. 

I will confess, I did damage the power socket a while back and had to replace it and certainly the first time I noticed it playing up there had been a short sharp shower (the handset sat on the desk over Xmas to dry out as a result ) but perhaps a more thorough clean  with electrical solvent cleaner is worth a punt.

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Well, the new handset arrived (once I finally managed to prise it from dhl's clutches).

It's certainly different - buttons for sidereal, lunar and solar rates, swap buttons and an ST4 port.

Tried it out and it seems to work well on lunar and stars but haven't had a chance to check its guiding capability yet.

In the meantime though, can someone put my mind at rest on what may be a non-issue?

The activity led in the centre of the movement buttons is generally on red but, while its tracking, appears to flash green very briefly at regular intervals.

Is this supposed to happen? It didn't on the previous one.


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Well, the new handset arrived (once I finally managed to prise it from dhl's clutches).

It's certainly different - buttons for sidereal, lunar and solar rates, swap buttons and an ST4 port.

Tried it out and it seems to work well on lunar and stars but haven't had a chance to check its guiding capability yet.

In the meantime though, can someone put my mind at rest on what may be a non-issue?

The activity led in the centre of the movement buttons is generally on red but, while its tracking, appears to flash green very briefly at regular intervals.

Is this supposed to happen? It didn't on the previous one.


Time to change the batteries I think. On the older style handset the LED would show green when tracking at sidereal rate and red when any the buttons are pushed and return to green when the button was released. A flashing LED usually indicates the battery voltage is dropping.

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Thanks, Peter. That was my first thought, too.

I should have mentioned that it does this with both the battery pack and the mains adapter (2.5 amp 6 volt stabilised) and as the instructions indicate 400ma is all that is necessary, I wonder if this could be a 'feature'? If it is, I can't find any mention of it.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi, sorry to revive this post after a year, but I recently got the same handset and I'm having the same problem with lights. Also, the 16x and 0.5x speedss don't seem to work, the motor just stops. Did changing batteries worked for you? Thanks

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Sorry to say, with failing memory, I am not quite sure.  I did stop using the (rechargeable) batteries in favour of this Maplin switchable power supply, but also switched to using an Astroeq to guide, replacing the brass cogs with belt drives.

The worldwide plug was a complete disaster but once this was replaced with a proper 13 amp plug, it proved OK.  In its 13.5 volt mode I am still using it with my relatively newly acquired AZ EQ6.


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Thanks! I think I got a faulty handset. I changed the power supply and tried the drives with my old eq5 handset and both work fine at different speed settings..

I guess I'll have to ask for a replacement or my money back :(


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  • 3 months later...

I am pulling this topic up again since my NEQ5 remote is giving me the same blinking issue, it never bothered me but sometimes, the DEC command seems to keep running a bit more than I want : it keeps moving a second or two even after releasing the button, and it does this randomly, in any DEC direction... so I tried with a different power supply (a car booster), and it worked fine, no more blinking, no more DEC that keep running... then I tried my battery pack power supply on a different NEQ5 remote, and the same issue repeated... no matter how old or how new the 4x batteries are... I wonder what is causing this issue, really...

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From pots the mount does beter with more then 12v BUT not too high as there is little or no voltage protection in them, also they need a reasonable current to back up the voltage. People have said the better voltage for these so maybe ask seperately for that. But I suspect the answer will be 12.6 to 13.2 volt and at least 2 amp but preferably 5.

Batteries will drop voltage rapidly and not sure of the current they can actually supply. A Li-Ion discharge curve shows a drop below 12v in about 10 minutes. In just about everything the manufacturers quote the best most ideal situation. Many years ago on a very critical item I recall it said "2 years life", what was failed to get mentioned was 2 years in it's packet on a shelf in a temperature controlled room. Take it out of it's packaging, put it in the equipment and use it outside and failure in 3 months and often less. So expect a 12v battery to be 12v for say a few minutes only, same for 6v items.

Isn't the flashing LED a sign of under votage or under power? Which would correspond to what is seen.

Must ask: 4 batteries is an odd number as that makes 6 volts if the "normal" 1.5v items and I only know of the simple RA/Dec motors that use that.

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  • 2 years later...
On 06/07/2017 at 06:01, disciplus55 said:

I am pulling this topic up again since my NEQ5 remote is giving me the same blinking issue, it never bothered me but sometimes, the DEC command seems to keep running a bit more than I want : it keeps moving a second or two even after releasing the button, and it does this randomly, in any DEC direction... so I tried with a different power supply (a car booster), and it worked fine, no more blinking, no more DEC that keep running... then I tried my battery pack power supply on a different NEQ5 remote, and the same issue repeated... no matter how old or how new the 4x batteries are... I wonder what is causing this issue, really...

I had the same issue a while ago. It all was solved by replacing the power source.

I built a regulated power source with a portable USB battery (5V, 2.1A, 30AH) going to a DC-DC step-up converter to get it to 6V (you can get XL-6009-based ones quite cheap). The battery lasts forever and provides a very stable power output. With that configuration, all issues with "sticky buttons" and "blinking lights" went away completely.

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