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A Good Night.


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Finally peeled myself off the couch and took my skyliner out for an hour, glad I did. I got a great view of M42 and wow what a sight, I had never seen it before. Also M31 M38 M36 M37 M44 M42 M67 M33 were all observed. Got my mojo back for stargazing so out again tonight for more. I have a few questions, my primary mirror had condensation on it when I came back inside. Should I leave the main cap off the scope or leave it on for the mirror to dry? Will the condensation damage the mirror in a anyway? 

Happy stargazing all.

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Hi Lancman,

A lovely set of targets there, well done. 

The condensation on the mirror is normal and will do no harm, but leave the cover off until the all the condensation is gone. I leave mine off for the rest off the night after observing.

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