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QSI683 and Maxim DL


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Having problems with using QSI683 and Maxim DL  after capturing an image it loses camera connection while downloading, bit annoying if it's a 20min sub.

Tried Maxim  5.8 and 6.1 on Win8.1 and Win10 and allways the same problem.

Tried using APT and that works OK so can't see why it doesn't work on Maxim DL, something to do with the QSI / Maxim plug in ?

Any one using the same setup ?

Will have a look on the Maxim forum and drop QSI an email to see if it's a known problem.

Atik 4000 downloads fine using Maxim.



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Dave, I've had download issues before as well and know how irritating it can be. In my case I had to route the USB cable from the CCD through a powered hub, and some worked better than others. Not sure how you are rigged-up, but if you are not using a powered hub, give it a try.


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Sorry to hear about your problem, Dave - I have the same CCD camera and use it with MaxIm DL with no problems but, frustratingly with regard to offering assistance, I use MaxIm 5.24 and 6.03.

However, is the camera directly connected to the PC or via a USB hub? Have you tried both 'fast' and normal download?

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Thanks for the reply Steve / Martin, I've tried the usual, was on powered hub originally, different cables, direct to PC, different Maxim versions , Win8.1 and Win10, haven't tried Win7 yet.

Haven't tried fast download only normal, bit confused by all the settings in Maxim, long time since I've used it for imaging, every so often I think I should make an effort to use it as a one stop shop for guiding and imaging but usually end up getting frustrated with it and returning to PHD and Artemis Capture (shame that won't work with the QSI)  :icon_biggrin:

Runs perfectly under ASCOM in APT.


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I've had mine working in both Windows XP (observatory PC) and Windows 7 Ultimate (test bench).

MaxIm DL is a 'Marmite' type product, you either love it or loathe it - I love it and it is worth persevering with but it does so much that it can be confusing to get everything set up correctly. Which camera driver are you using? I am using QSI Universal Driver v6.4.962.4

Although I don't have problem with it, some MaxIm DL users have had an issue with the download progress bar causing problems. You could try turning this off. Click on Setup QSI Universal, click on 'Advanced' and untick 'Show D/L Progress'. Worth a try!

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That's interesting Steve, as the download bar stops moving and I get message camera connection lost, so will try disabling it.

Using driver downloaded last November will look for a later one.



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