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Observatory Environment Instrumentation


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I am separating out the Water Level Gauge part of this project as mentioned in that thread due to needing a rest from DS2408 et al.  The water level is the matter of most concern ATM and the rest can be shelved.  The weather has to improve and then I need to get my astro gear working before any thoughts of astro imaging can be contemplated.  I'm think now, that imaging may be postponed until the spring.  If that's the case so-be-it.  I'm quite past worrying about it :hiding:

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With the water level gauge working and in "soak" test other parts of this wider project are coming into view.  The living room wall weather data display project has been resurrected as has the wind instruments project.  I expect to add the rain gauge to this project shortly too.  Since the latter simply uses a reed switch to detect the bucket tips, no remote electronics are required - a simple direct wire connection using one twisted pair of the currently installed CAT5 cable will suffice giving direct connection to an Arduino in the display box.  The wind and light level instruments will use another pair and 1-wire devices (assuming these are still working).  For the time being I plan to use the obsolete 1-wire devices I was using before - I want to get this working with minimal hassle.

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