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Hello everyone! I am from Pittsboro, North Carolina.


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I am kind of new to the astronomy scene. I do not own a telescope at the moment but am saving up for one. If anyone could give me any advice about which type of telescope to purchase I would appreciate it very much. I also plan to do some astrophotography later on. so if anyone could also give me advice it would help out. Carl Sagan is also one of my favorite scientists and is truly an inspirational person for me. 

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Hi and welcome to the forum. As mentioned above some idea of a budget would help and I would suggest that you ask your question over on the Beginners and in particular the "Getting Started General Help and Advice" section. More people regularly visit that section than here and we wouldn't want you missing out on useful advice.  :smiley:

Astrophotography as an area of inquiry does come with an initial steep learning curve along with the ownership of an accurate motorised mount that is capable of tracking deep sky objects. Alternatively, solar system objects can be imaged using a simple video camera which can also be processed using some free software that is available on the internet and of the two represents the cheapest route in to imaging. If you want some idea of what people are using to capture great images, take a quick glance at members equipment signatures over on the imaging sections and you will get a pretty good idea of what the consensus is. Imaging is great but it does come with its own disappointments and researching up front to get a handle on it's complexities will certainly help ensure that you buy the right kit, so that your first image of a black hole won't be the one in your wallet!  :grin:  :grin: "Making Every Photon Count" by our very own Steve Richards will certainly point your in the right direction and as you don't live in the U.K his book can be purchased from here.

Clear skies and hope you enjoy your stay here.

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Hello and welcome to the forum :)

I just downloaded the whole Cosmos serie. I did not know Carl Sagan (not my culture) but I was curious after seeing his name pop up over and over here ... started to watch yesterday and had to force myself to turn off the tv at 3am... Amazing serie

Clear skies!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome to SGL. I'm just south of you in Georgia. Carl Sagan is one of my idols; so is Neil DeGrasse Tyson. For me, Maksutov Cassegrains are my favorite scopes for lunar, planetary and brighter deep-space object observations. For wide-field objects and fainter fuzzies I prefer reflectors. I do some "budget astrophotography" using my Orion 127mm Maksutov-Cassegrain. Astrophotography is a slippery slope as they say; it can get expensive quickly, but it can also be very rewarding. M42 is a lovely target. I took this with my Nikon D-50 through my Orion Mak-Cass (one 30-second exposure, no stacking):




Enjoy the lounge. There is much knowledge and support here :headbang:

Clear skies,


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