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About 1 minutes worth of decent seeing through break in clouds as i tuned the scope a large prominence snapped into view, and surface detail was better resolved than i thought, my gamble paid off even if for a minute.

half an hour later all hell broke loose,  freezing rain fell horizontally in high winds and now i have a layer of sleet engulfing my car lol.

Edited by Sunshine
miss spell
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  • 1 month later...

That's a pretty little scope you have there, love the colour! i myself have been so darn curious about Quarks but have been turned off by so many complaints about quality control consistency, how has yours performed and how long have you had it?

Edited by Sunshine
left out something
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3 hours ago, Sunshine said:

That's a pretty little scope you have there, love the colour! i myself have been so darn curious about Quarks but have been turned off by so many complaints about quality control consistency, how has yours performed and how long have you had it?

Sunshine, I think you have stumbled upon a man who will happily praise the Quark in some depth. But I’ll leave him to extol the virtues ... and sit back with some popcorn. (Or perhaps more in keeping with Shaun’s habits, that should be sit back with guitar and a sip of something nice!) ??

Edited by Floater
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I have the blue, though slightly faded, version of that pretty little scope, it travels with me everywhere and is a definite keeper.

I don't have a quark but use it with a Herschel Wedge for WL solar.

I can fit everything I need for WL Solar, Terrestrial and lunar observations into its small aluminium case, though it is a slightly tight fit.

I'm still deciding whether to go PST or Quark.



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7 hours ago, Sunshine said:

That's a pretty little scope you have there, love the colour! i myself have been so darn curious about Quarks but have been turned off by so many complaints about quality control consistency, how has yours performed and how long have you had it?

Thank you it is a little firecracker...... I have been blown away by the performance of the Quark and I must have owned it a couple of years. Quarks are fantastic in comparison to other types of solar scopes,and I used to own a Lunt 60 prior to the Quark ?Quite a lot of the voices concerning the Quark havent even owned one ... but hey there is nothing stranger than folk ? Don’t get me wrong they did have their issues initially which was compounded by Daystars extremely poor customer support.

I switch the Quark between the two scopes below.


Edited by Pig
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4 hours ago, Floater said:

Sunshine, I think you have stumbled upon a man who will happily praise the Quark in some depth. But I’ll leave him to extol the virtues ... and sit back with some popcorn. (Or perhaps more in keeping with Shaun’s habits, that should be sit back with guitar and a sip of something nice!) ??

Thank you Gordon ?I have however turned over a new leaf and seldom drink these days, maybe three occasions in the past 14 months and 2 days !!! ? I still play the guitar whilst solar observing though, much to the neighbors dismay ?

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Hmm, i feel like a kid who's afraid to jump into the water but at the same time excited about the prospect of new found fun with the quark, i will need to consider what ill need in addition, this is where Sub Giant will be of great help i believe.

Sub Giant!! your assistance is required!! lets say i were to take the plunge and sell my Lunt LS60 pressure tuned with starlight feather touch focuser and B1200 filter (a mouthful yes) and a great scope, lets say i were to sell.

I buy the  Quark Chromosphere, i have to take into account budget when repurchasing because i will beed a small refractor but what size would be smaller but still pack wow factor, would 80mm be enough?? and would i need an ERF cut filter for an 80mm?

obviously i won't need an APO for solar but how inexpensive can i get away with and still enjoy good results? keep in mind that i would love your advice but will not hold against you any troubles or issues i may encounter, im a big boy and take responsibility for my own decisions. 

i'd love to ask you this question, knowing what you know, and having owned a Lunt 60, would you say id be in for a wilder ride with the quark? will it ever leave me wondering about my Lunt or would you say id never look back lol



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Hiya... You do not need and ERF until you exceed 115mm I believe, hence why I got  the 110mm, you will need only a UV/IR filter and that is placed onto the front of the diagonal .... quite cheap. I started with an Equinox 80mm and you will almost get a full solar disc. If you want a full disc I believe you need a focal length of about 450mm.

It’s probably best we switch to a PM conversation as I do not want to hijack the thread,  please contact me with any questions you have ?

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On 01/01/2018 at 21:44, AdeKing said:

I have the blue, though slightly faded, version of that pretty little scope, it travels with me everywhere and is a definite keeper.

I don't have a quark but use it with a Herschel Wedge for WL solar.

I can fit everything I need for WL Solar, Terrestrial and lunar observations into its small aluminium case, though it is a slightly tight fit.

I'm still deciding whether to go PST or Quark.



Thank you Ade, they are cute little blighters and they pack a punch no mattter what the target.? You have the scope already.....surely it has to be the Quark ?  

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I am thinking about it @Pig but there are so many contradictory things written about the reliability and variable QC of the Quarks that I'm more than a bit wary.

I don't think I've read so many contradicting opinions about any other piece of equipment that I've been interested in.

Edited by AdeKing
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47 minutes ago, AdeKing said:

I am thinking about it @Pig but there are so many contradictory things written about the reliability and variable QC of the Quarks that I'm more than a bit wary.

I don't think I've read so many contradicting opinions about any other piece of equipment that I've been interested in.

Ade I totally understand, Daystar really did not do themselves any favours..... I have not heard of any issues for quite some time now.

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53 minutes ago, AdeKing said:

I am thinking about it @Pig but there are so many contradictory things written about the reliability and variable QC of the Quarks that I'm more than a bit wary.

I don't think I've read so many contradicting opinions about any other piece of equipment that I've been interested in.

Having tried a few Quarks it is clear that they are very variable, the QC cut of point for etalon band pass seems to be a bit elastic.

It appears to be pot luck if you get a superb one, an average one or a poor one all presumably having been tested at the factory though not sure how they test them, can't imagine they do real life solar testing on every one.

Having recently been without mine while it went for several trips back and forth across the Atlantic for about 6 months while Daystar repaired / replaced it, their customer service leaves a bit to be desired although there appears to be only one lady dealing with it so perhaps they should employ some help for her.

My original Quark was superb, the one I have now have is average and I wouldn't be happy selling it to anybody for solar imaging.

The best bet if you want one is to buy a used one that you can see images taken with it.



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8 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

The best bet if you want one is to buy a used one that you can see images taken with it.

Thanks Dave, when I'm in the position to buy I think I'll be holding out for a good used one as you say.

Though part of me is still thinking about getting a used PST and then modding it. I've got some saving to do so have time to make an informed decision.

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6 minutes ago, AdeKing said:

Thanks Dave, when I'm in the position to buy I think I'll be holding out for a good used one as you say.

Though part of me is still thinking about getting a used PST and then modding it. I've got some saving to do so have time to make an informed decision.

For the price the Quark is still a superb bit of gear, any similar thing being three or four times the price it's just a shame that they're not a bit tighter with the QC but then no doubt they'd have to reject more and increase the price so getting a financially viable solution is tricky.

Unfortunately all their publicity images seem to be taken with the best examples :grin:


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I am not sure about the publicity images Dave...... they knock spots off PST’s and alike ? you only have to look at the Images Daz and others have taken as hard evidence ? you can also carry over the comparisons with imaging and this is the difference you get with visual between the two. 

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A good Quark is a superb bit of kit & they are superb to image with from what I've seen, but I know someone who's on their 3rd one in under 2 years who lives not to far from me so they sound like a bit of a lottery to me.
Just my tuppenceworth.

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2 hours ago, Pig said:

I am not sure about the publicity images Dave...... they knock spots off PST’s and alike ? you only have to look at the Images Daz and others have taken as hard evidence ? you can also carry over the comparisons with imaging and this is the difference you get with visual between the two. 

Exactly Shaun, Daz had one of the super ones along with a couple of others on here and Solar Chat but the majority seem to be average with a scattering of real lemons, unfortunately if someone buys one not knowing what to expect and never having seen a super one they probably think it's OK and Daystars attitude is that it is so no good complaining to them :grin:


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3 hours ago, Davey-T said:

Exactly Shaun, Daz had one of the super ones along with a couple of others on here and Solar Chat but the majority seem to be average with a scattering of real lemons, unfortunately if someone buys one not knowing what to expect and never having seen a super one they probably think it's OK and Daystars attitude is that it is so no good complaining to them :grin:


Sorry Dave we will have to agree to disagree, a Lemon of a Quark is still far better than a pearler of dedicated solar scope below 80mm. By a lemon I take it you mean the surface detail is not consistent across the visible area (striped or patchy) or some areas of small distortion.

I have looked through quite a few Quarks and in comparison I would consider them all super compared to the competition, and yes they all vary from one another. 

Derek had a strange problem with his that didn’t fall into the above category and Daystar dealt with it very professionally and returned it in as good as new condition in a respectable time frame. 

I think it is about time the Quark bashing was put into perspective.

The End ? Shaun


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3 minutes ago, Pig said:

Sorry Dave we will have to agree to disagree, a Lemon of a Quark is still far better than a pearler of dedicated solar scope below 80mm. By a lemon I take it you mean the surface detail is not consistent across the visible area (striped or patchy) or some areas of small distortion.

I have looked through quite a few Quarks and in comparison I would consider them all super compared to the competition, and yes they all vary from one another. 

Derek had a strange problem with his that didn’t fall into the above category and Daystar dealt with it very professionally and returned it in as good as new condition in a respectable time frame. 

I think it is about time the Quark bashing was put into perspective.

The End ? Shaun


I'm not Quark bashing Shaun just pointing out that they are very variable due to the wide QC band employed by Daystar, my first one which died was super the second one was useless wouldn't even tune and the one I have now is not a patch on the first one but as you say for the money it gives great solar views.

I know the guy at Astrograph fell out with them as he was doing his own QC and rejecting those that in his opinion weren't up to scratch.

And just to say I STILL LOVE MY QUARK if it cost 3k/4k then I might get a bit more uppity :grin:


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I ordered a Quark when they first came out and then had to cancel the order when DayStar could not confirm that it would work in ambient temperatures above 40 deg C.

The Quark only has heating to bring it on band (I believe the "nominal" operating temperature is around 28 deg )

The temperature down here in Victoria was 44 deg yesterday!


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So the Quark roulette wheel keeps spinning, every time i think id like to give them a shot, i am beginning to wonder if it is worth the risk selling my Lunt which works beautifully with great and even disc detail. Yes it may not get as close as a Quark

but it is reliable as heck and instantly performs once brought out every time, i have seen some great prominence detail on good seeing days, i think the only way in hell i would sell it is if i looked through a used Quark someone is selling, their testimony would be the only way id hand over cash for a product who's manufacturer just doesn't seem to take themselves seriously. Would you seriously buy a television from a company who's TV's sometimes turn on, sometimes not, some say colour on box but are black and white, if lucky you'll get a colour version with working remote!!, i think not!.

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