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Hello from Melbourne


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Hi there everybody!

I've been reading through the forums for the last couple of days and thought that the time had come to become part of the community.

A little about me and my rig:

I've been looking upwards since I was a child. Looking out the back window of the car up at the stars at night while driving back home from holidays probably had something to do with my interest. However I'm unsure as to the exact moment/catalyst for me becoming interested in the cosmos. All I know is that now I feel there's nothing more exciting than the endless possibilities and boundlessness of space and the science that space is made up of. Even though I'm not always looking up I'm always hungry for space knowledge and try to keep as up to date with what is happening in my night sky as is possible.

Since then I've only attended a handful of open nights and lectures and so generally rely on reading other people's stories in order to get my fix as I've never had my own telescope.

That is, until this Christmas, when I was given a SkyWatcher Heritage 130P/650mm Dobsonian!

I live in an inner suburb of Melbourne and so the light pollution is fairly bad but that didn't stop me going out into the small park opposite my house and giving it a go.

I was amazed at what I was able to see so close to my house. The Orion Nebula was beautifully visible. Pointing the SkyWatcher at the Pleiades was difficult because it was only visible when I wasn't looking at it directly but once I found it, that was spectacular too!

Anyway, beginners rant over.

I look forward to reading and sharing stories and I'll probably be asking many questions along the way.

Nice to meet you all and thanks for having me! :smiley:

P.S. - I've already purchased a 6.3mm SkyWatcher Super Plossl to go with the 10mm and 25mm that came stock. Can't wait for that to arrive and test it on some planets! (Hopefully I didn't run into that purchasing decision too blindly)

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