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A warm hello and a Happy new year to all from a very excited newbbie :)


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Hi everyone,

I have had a passion for astronomey since i saw the news footage of Shoemaker-Leavy 9 hit Jupiter back in 1994 and wow what a event to be lucky to be around when it happened and still at school .. daydreaming of being an astronught one day lol.

After a few too many years I obtained a 60mm ( hopefuly i get this right ) newtonian telescope for the grand sum of 40 or 50 pounds from Jessops on the high street at the young age of 20 i was sure i was going to see the sights i had read about hahaha its funny looking back on it now and obviously i was wrong but i saw the moon in a way i had never seen and even manged to line up to the eye piece an old mintola camera by hand to get some semi decent shots must dig them out :)

I also manged to see Saturn enough to see two rings and the Jupiter and four of its moons well i was on a rush and invested to keep going i ended up trading up to a Medae etx 90 goto ( i cant remmber the name but was a short and stubby scope ) awsome bit of kit i thought joined a local astronomy group and i was learning maybe not understanding all at the time but it was sinking in.

All was well until as life does to us all things change and commitments have to change to suit, I ended up sell my ETX and contiuned as best as i could with my binos and books.

Sorry to go rabbiting on and all that ( can you tell i am excited still :) ) I have recently replaced my old wet roll film minolta and joined the DLSR era and got myself a 1200d eos and while i am happy snapping away my kids and family on holidays I long to aim upwards to the moon and stars although with out a telsecope just my DLSR a lens and a tripod, well i thought i could get the moon and some dots of stars.

I tried the moon took have the night to find the right settings but even with a 300mm telephoto lens it was nothing like what i had manged to get al those years ago, so i went back into my garden picked a patch of sky and thought that will do 18mm f3.5 30 secs lets see what we get lol now i could only see 3 stars with my naked eye wow did the lcd show me differnt, i had manged to image the constalation casiopia ( had to rescearch it afterwards ) I hit up lightroom and post prossced the image and then found out i had removed with a wave of my hand as if it was nothing a very faint smudge which if stellarium was correct was the Andromada Galaxy haha.

I have now been pointing upwards every since with my DSLR and my binos and trying to learn the wonderful world of Astrophotography and it was this that has lead me to yourselfs to help me further my understanding and hopefuly someday I will be able to help someone back.

Well thanks for your time if you made it this far down i have many questions to ask but i will have a look through the forums first :) i did mange to get a shot of Orion on New years eve had a really nice clear crispy evening here in west sussex and my new home has pretty good dark rear garden still has light pollotion where dosent but one of my best images so far, I cant upload it as the jpeg is around 5 mb but I will try and get a link and pop it on later.

Thanks for your time and Hello.



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Hi and welcome to the forum. There is a lot of information archived on here and should keep you out of mischief in the short term but of course you are welcome to ask any question in the appropriate section as and when the need arises.

Clear skies and hope you enjoy your stay here.

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Hi Herbby, great read, you seem to be enjoying yourself, good luck with the astrophotgraphy, I tried wet roll film before DSLR's were popular and it was always exciting from the night of the shoot right up till the day I got the 1hr developing done in boots and came away with nothing haha. thank god for CCD's at least we can delete and reshoot.


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Hi Herbby and welcome to SGL - There's a few of us mad imagers knocking about, so I'm sure you'll get lots of help as required! There's actually quite a bit you can do with a DSLR and camera lens - 300mm is a usable focal length (My telescope is only 330mm!! There's some big old DSO's up there - Check out this FOV calculator  with say M31 (Andromeda) and you'll see what I mean!

Look forward to seeing you around :)

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Thanks peeps :)

Thanks swag72 I will look into that.

I only have two lenses lol one is the canon stock lens 18 to 55 mm and the other I have is a tameron 70 to 300mm telephoto I only got the 300mm lens as I needed more zoom for day time stuff so at the moment I am trying to do the best I can with what I have :) and see where it gets me.

Thanks once again.


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