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Mr Newbie


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Good Evening,

I am completely new to astronomy. I have always been interested in astronomy and this Christmas I was lucky enough to get my first telescope (skywatcher 130 x 900mm reflector) thanks to my wonderful girlfriend :) I have managed to get one viewing session in since then on New Year's Eve and had fun looking at the moon etc. I am struggling with the lingo and the eq mount at the moment. It feels like trying to learn a new language but I am sure I will get there.


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Hi Luke and welcome to SGL. :)

I'd suggest joining one of your local astro societies like DDAS (Derby and District Astro Soc) or NAS (Nottingham) or EMS (East Mids Stargazers - see link in my signature).

Any of these will offer you practical help with your new scope. Meantime feel free to ask specific questions in the relevant sections of this forum. You'll also find a glossary of terms in the Getting Started General Help and Advice section. :)

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Hi Luke and welcome to the forum. You will become fluent with the lingo in no time as all hobbies/interest have their jargon and code words - we can't let everyone in on the secrets!  :grin:  :grin: Don't hesitate to ask any questions that may arise and the replies will wing their way to you in no time once you have posted them under the relevant sections.

Clear skies and hope you enjoy the forum.

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