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Hello from Canada!


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Hello all SGL members!

I just bought a Celestron Powerseeker 127EQ to my oldest son.  It is our first scope, so we have LOTS of stuff to learn...  I'm currently trying to align the finderscope with the main scope, but I'm having trouble seeing anything through the finder.   :confused:  The image through  it is all blurry and no matter how long I turn the dial, the image refuses to focus.  What am I doing wrong?  I'm eager to look at our moon!



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What are you pointing at?

You may, will, need to aim at something a mile or two away.

However the finder should be relatively short in focal length, so "far" is not overly distant for one of them.

Is it assembled correctly ?

Also as I am not familiar with the finder in question - what dial?

The finder I have you rotate a collar at the eyepiece to adjust.

Thinking someone may have included a rotating item that actually does nothing to the finder. My scopes have 2 nice big dials on each of the fork arms and they are irrelevant, but they look as if they should be.

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Hi Ronin,

I'm looking at objects a couple hundred feet from me.  It doesn't seem to me that turning the collar at the eyepiece do anything...

I'll look again tomorrow, just to be sure.  Maybe I'm too impatient with it.


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Hi and welcome to the forum.

Just had a look at the manual regarding setting up the finder for your scope and it makes the point, "........that the finderscope should be orientated so that the larger diameter lens is facing toward the front of the optical tube." I also note from the picture that they use to illustrate their instructions that the smaller end of the finderscope has a focusing ring which presumably helps sharpen the image within the finder. Have you turned it all the way in one direction and then turned it all the way though in the opposite direction? Given that the focusing point should sit somewhere on that movement, it would at least prove whether the focusing mechanism is faulty or not. I also found this YouTube video detailing how to set up your scope which you might find helpful and I am hopeful that it will mention something about setting up the finder, though I can make no guarantees as I haven't watched it myself.

Wishing you clear skies for you and your son and hope that you enjoy your stay here.

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Hello everybody!

Thanks for your answers.  I finally found out that whatever amount of tuning I do with the finder doesn't do much, unless I put my glasses on...  I was kind of surprised to find out that I could not use the finder without them!  I really thought that tuning the finder would permit me to see somewhat clearly, even without my glasses.  Newbie stuff...  Probably.

So, again, thank you all for your help!

May the New Year bring you Health and Hapiness (and of course clear skies!).


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