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Hi All,

Just popped in to say hello and was hoping to get some tips/hints!

Received a telescope from my parents for Christmas after being fascinated by space/stars for as long as my 23 year life has been going!

The telescope I got is a Skywatcher BKP13065EQ2 and just got it all built just now and can't wait to get using it! Hoping someone could give me a few pointers as well.

I live in Scotland, in a small village just outside of a town, other than that there is no light pollution what-so-ever. My parents and I were in the USA a few years ago for my 21st birthday. We went around a tonne of national parks and finished off at the Grand Canyon and luckily enough, they had what they called a 'Star Party' when we were there which consisted of about 50 people with a variety of different telescopes and it was spectacular.

Hopefully going to make this another proper hobby of mine!

Thanks! :D

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Welcome Superpatsy, congrats on the new scope. Don't hesitate to ask anything at all. Sounds like you won't have too much trouble with light pollution, lets hope you get some clear skies. Keep in touch and let us know how you're getting on.


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Hi and welcome to the forum. Don't forget that this forum also organises an annual Star Party where members will all different levels of experience come together to share experiences and to pick up new ideas. They are certainly worth attending and seem to prove more popular each year - though regrettably we can't supply the Grand Canyon!  :grin:  :grin:

Clear skies and hope you enjoy your stay here.

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