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First Clear Night With New Scope

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Apparently, it's a clear night from midnight to sunrise...so I'm going to stay up and see the new year in looking at the sky :)

Any tips?

My garden is south facing.

I have my new Skywatcher 150p, a Canon 600D, T-ring adapter and a variety of lenses.

I'm thinking some casual beers, a few photos and just sit there and enjoy the night sky.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

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If I see something bright and twinkly I'll be happy, It really won't take a lot for me to pack away a happy bunny this evening.

If you've got any kind of view look to your left in the eastern sky around midnight and you'll see Jupiter with the moon in hot pursuit

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If you've got any kind of view look to your left in the eastern sky around midnight and you'll see Jupiter with the moon in hot pursuit

I noticed that on my SkyView app on my phone, that Jupiter is very close to the moon this afternoon, shame i can't get out tonight.

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I'm out tonight too, I've been out since 6:30, been looking at M45 and M31, just waiting for Orion to get up a bit higher then view that for a bit, then back in to wait for Jupiter and the moon to pop up

Moonrise is at 23:21 here :)

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I stayed with the basics, just sky touring.

Started with Polaris, then Betelgeuse, toured Orion's belt to finish with the Mizar twin stars.

For me last night was just about having a little fun and learning more about my scope, mainly ensuring I can calibrate the 'GoTo' positioning.

Successful evening.

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By the time the stars came out again. The neighbours had started their New Year Party and BBQ. Swirling smoke and loud music and bad singing put me off setting up the scope. So I enjoyed the night sky with a glass of wine. Happy New Year fellow skygazers.

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Nexstar 130 slt with copious amounts of frost I aligned the scope with 2 objects, but had trouble with the 3rd because of light from a lamp post. I moved the scope and started again I learned that most of the stars in the sky look the same through the scope, only brighter. I could not read the handset even after adjusting the contrast, so I could not identify what I was looking at, or do a sky tour.It seems that once the scope is aligned it will not move unless it is told to go somewhere specific so I turned it off and on again, then searched the sky at random Big fuzzy object low in southern sky and the main viewable planets directly behind me, (with my house in the way of course) one more thing, I found adjusting the viewscope easier in the dark than daylight

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