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Deep sky imaging showcase 2015


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Please use this thread to showcase your best images captured during 2015. Just one post per member but you can include up to 5 images if you want.

The thread is for all imagers novices and advanced. 

Please keep details to a minimum - scope and camera possibly along with a few comments.

The thread needs to be packed with images so please don't respond to the postings 

Showcases from previous years

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2015 was the year of starting ccd imaging. Not a lot to choose from but here you are

21643054412_75492b5332_b.jpg2014-12-12 Horsehead ProcessMask After by Scott Prideaux, on Flickr

18961693189_4af62a29fc_b.jpgpelican_2nites_TVpro by Scott Prideaux, on Flickr

21766404756_f779366824_b.jpgHeart of the heart by Scott Prideaux, on Flickr

22273635478_1d8e0a5a8e_b.jpgveil complex 2nites by Scott Prideaux, on Flickr

23936280642_54b4ce9db6_b.jpgCone Neb by Scott Prideaux, on Flickr

I'll try for a bit of colour next year :)

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I just passed my first 9 months as an astrophotography pretender, and checking my log book I had only 15 nights under the sky so far (due to clouds, moon, other commitments and 4-5 summer months of light nights up here). No wonder I almost panic when the sky is clear and I can open the roof of my obsy. Here are my contributions, all taken with a Canon 60Da and either a 127mm or 80 mm Explore Scientific budget triplet apo. I have to say that I am quite pleased with the scopes and camera and the weaknesses are mainly due to too few subs as I am still too excited about moving onto the next target. I have bought a mono CCD camera and filters and aim to start on this new steep learning curve as soon as it looks like I will get a few nights in a row...

They are all well known targets that need no presentation.






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Here is my contribution. Its my first real year after a false start last year so am very pleased overall. Even produced a calendar for the family at Christmas

All shot with my modified 100D and processed with DSS, Photoshop and occasionally a touch of DBE (from Pixinsight Lite).

Happy 2016, and clear skies all!

Cone Nebula (Christmas tree) Just reprocessed.


M42 (Orion Nebula)


NGC 7000 (North American Nebula)


Flame and Horsehead Nebulas


Rosette Nebula.


That's my 20 MB worth!

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I have had a brilliant 2015, with an Atik 414 added to the Canon. 18 months since first looking through a telescope and I am more enthusiastic now than when I started!

Mosaic Double Cluster:


Bodes Nebula (M81):


A holiday Milky Way widefield


Iris Nebula 


and finally, HST narrowband PacMan:


Looking forward to 2016, although the weather needs to improve a LOT :)



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Not had much experience but here's what Iv got

Cannon 1200d DSLR


Single 180s at 55mm


Double cluster1da96cd87f6f596bf51350ef43a00ba1.jpg

Blood moon


Single 30s of the milkyway


And my first ever go at Orion 16 30s iso 1600 and 8 darks. Plus dust bunny


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My first year, lots to learn about how to get the best from my gear and processing. DSOs are definitely the hardest things to get right. Hope these prove its worth having a go at DSOs with an EQ3 mount, even if an EQ8 would have done better ;-)





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First 12 months of imaging soon coming to an end. Here are my best three.

Orion nebula first dso ~1hour 40min over two nights. ST80, unmodded 550d


Pleiades second dso ~2hour one night. ST80 modded 550d


Pelican and NA 3hour 30min two nights. Equinox80 modded 550d


Thanks for all the help on the beginner forum, and have a good 2016 :)

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Well, the big Orion with Tom, of course. 400 hours, 33 panels, two focal lengths, etc etc!!  :BangHead:  Runner-up in the APOTY competition and more Tom's than mine. Still, I'll bung it in before he does!  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:


An HaRGB mosaic following structures in the North America region a bit forther south to see what was happening.


Another mosaic from the Crescent down to the Tulip done with guest Paul Kummer. HaLRGB.


Supernova remnant not so often seen near VdB152. (Lots of Ha!)


And finally another mosaic uniting M35, NGC2158, The Jellyfish, Sh2 247 and the Monkey Head. Multi focal length, HaOIIIRGB. About 60 hours.


An enjoyable year, as ever, and the Mesu has still never dropped a single sub. Cheers, Lucas.  :icon_salut:


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Tough to pick my favourites from last year but for what they're worth here they are:

# 1. Horsehead & Flame LRGB, 3 panel luminance mosaic  taken with a C6 Hyperstar and Atik 428EX mono with the colour taken through a Borg 71FL and QHY9 mono.

# 2. IC 1311 2 panel mosaic, C6 Hyperstar and Atik 428EX mono LHaRGB.

# 3.  Messier 8 region 2 panel mosaic, C6 Hyperstar and Atik 428EX mono RHaGB.

# 4.  Messier 16 2 panel mosaic, C6 Hyperstar and Atik 428EX mono RGB.

# 5.  NGC 7822 2 panel mosaic, C6 Hyperstar and Atik 428EX mono LRGB.

Hope you like them.






Edited by Mike Hawtin
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some awesome pictures so far peeps now for my go lol

Messier 31 the Andromeda galaxy and friends post-12098-0-41612200-1452428624_thumb.j

Messier 1 the Crab nebula  post-12098-0-60138700-1452428695_thumb.j

Messier's 42 & 43 the Orion nebula  post-12098-0-77589100-1452428731_thumb.j

NGC 281 the Pac-Man nebula post-12098-0-36665800-1452428882_thumb.j

NGC 2174 the Monkey head nebula post-12098-0-23049000-1452428934_thumb.j

hope you like

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