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hi everybody im new here, just a question, the finderscope when i look through it it gives me a up side down vision why this is it normal or faulty and  what is it far, what does it do to me its like a scope on a rifle like pick up target then look through main telescope im i right or wrong please can some one tel me many thanks who can...............

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Hi Keeny and welcome to SGL, different telescope lens arrangements produce differently orientated images of the same thing, won't confuse you with the details but it can be very confusing when the stars move one way in your main scope and another in the finder, this is quite normal.


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What you are seeing through your finder scope is quite normal.

To use the finder scope align it with your main scope. This is best done in daylight, pick a distant object, church spire, electric pylon or such like a mile or to away. Use the lowest power eyepiece (largest number) centre and focus the main scope on this, then look through the finder scope and adjust until the object is right on the cross hairs. Go back to the main scope and ensure nothing has moved. Now put your highest power eyepiece (smallest number) in the main scope and re-adjust the finder scope. You're now good to go.


Good luck

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