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Cocoon nebula Hubble palette


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The weather has been so awful I had a look at images in my collection that I could finish off or reprocess. I found some stacks of the cocoon nebula & took a look to see if a Hubble palette was doable with the data I have. The result is below. There are a few Panda rings but it sort of looks okay considering the rubbish weather we have all suffered. It looks better big as always- I cleaned up the noise so its cleaner than the last effort I posted. I love the noise processing tools in PixInsight. The noise processing tools do not interfere with the stars- notice the triangle of 3 stars above the shock wave curve- these have not been touched by the noise removal processing where a lesser program would probably have deleted them.


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Lovely image, looking forward myself to getting some images when the sky's clear. if they end up half as good as that I will be a happy chap :)

Thanks- I envy your darker skies. I worked in Taunton for nearly a year & did some observing at Wimbleball Lake Country Park, near Dulverton, Somerset. That was a very good dark sky site all though I had no telescope just a camera on a tripod. what makes a mess of my imaging is the light pollution. I have mitigated some of that by using really expensive light pollution filters. I have nearly a grand invested in the light pollution rejection filters alone but I'm beginning to favor narrow band as a preferred option as most times I need to be very selective with LRGB. I know I can do better but sometimes the weather beats me up so I've spent time revisiting earlier sessions & seeing if I can make improvements from my earlier attempts.

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Thanks- I envy your darker skies. I worked in Taunton for nearly a year & did some observing at Wimbleball Lake Country Park, near Dulverton, Somerset. That was a very good dark sky site all though I had no telescope just a camera on a tripod. what makes a mess of my imaging is the light pollution. I have mitigated some of that by using really expensive light pollution filters. I have nearly a grand invested in the light pollution rejection filters alone but I'm beginning to favor narrow band as a preferred option as most times I need to be very selective with LRGB. I know I can do better but sometimes the weather beats me up so I've spent time revisiting earlier sessions & seeing if I can make improvements from my earlier attempts.

Yes we can have some great dark sky areas, but has been what seems like months. I am in Yeovil so don't have to go far from home to find some really great places.

But being some what of a novice I have a huge learning curve which is part of the fun also.

I know Dulverton have a friend there. 

Lets hope we have some clear nights on the way after this storm that's on it's way ( storm Frank ) then we can all get out and start doing what we all enjoy the most :)

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