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First Jupiter of the season


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I've been waiting to try my scope out on the planets since I got it a while ago. The sky cleared but left a nice light high cloud for me and stable skies.

Starting off on the moon revealed some high mag was going to be possible- but how much would Jupiter take being still lowish in the sky? I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. Starting with the 10mm BCO @ 182x was razor sharp, figured I'd barlow the 12.5mm Tak ortho 2x with the VIP for 292x... still sharp! OK I was getting pumped now... :smiley: Lets go with the 10mm BCO barlowed 2x...for 364x...still sharp!!

I'm very excited about this as anything over 300x and still sharp on Jupiter brings out piles of detail, I saw nice band splits, riffles,a transit and a huge white oval sitting in one of the belts. And the caps...

In the end the Zeiss zoom/VIP brought me some very high but unknown mags and excellent high contrast views, the color with all the EP's mentioned was excellent.

This cold weather does pay off, I should have stayed out longer to see the GRS, but I was getting pretty cold with the wind. This was a great first Jupiter light with my 15" :grin:

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Nice one Gerry, it sounds like your new scope is doing exactly what you bought it for  :smiley: I guess your eyepiece collection helps too !

Its also great to hear that someone has clear skies about them :grin: it has been pure pants for quite some time in the UK, but looking on the bright side there are some solar rays forecasted for today and tomorrow ....we shall see

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Thanks everyone, I lucked out when the clouds cleared, it was snowing a bit before this. On the last trip out for a bundle of firewood I looked up and ran back into the house to start getting my stuff lol! Then I wheeled the scope out of the garage and put it together and checked collimation, all in about 10 mins. The moon was excellent even with the small terminator area, it looked as if you could reach out and grab those sharp mountain chunks around Mare Crisium(?) Same place as is Stu's moon photo posted today anyway. Can't wait for more lunar coming up.

Wish Mars was near now :smiley:

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