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Hi everyone im new to stargazing I have always wanted to do stargazing. I've had a telescope for 3 years on and off as I live in Worcester so its cloudy most of the time lol. I've seen the moon and Its the most amazing thing I've ever seen. But I want to start trying to look beyond the moon at other planets and further hopefully. So I hope with being on this forum I might get some help with being able to see further. My telescope is a f70076 reflector. And I hope to get on with most people and be involved with some good posts thanks

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Welcome to SGL. Don't worry, those clouds will clear one day and you'll get a chance to look beyond the moon. I'm not sure what your scope is but there's bound to be someone here who does, so don't hesitate to ask anything.

If you get a chance, download a programme called "Stellarium" , it's free and will help you find your way around.

Best wishes and clear skies for 2016


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Hi Shortyvenus

Welcome to SGL. Glad you've enjoyed the views of the Moon through your scope. You should also be able to see the 4 main moons around Jupiter (currently visible in the morning sky and becoming visible late evening in January) and the rings around Saturn, although the latter is very low down this time round and so difficult to get a view that isn't marred by our wobbly atmosphere. Further out, you should be able split some nice double stars and look at some clusters. I imagine your particular scope would struggle with anything but the brightest nebulae and galaxies, but it never hurts to give it a go!



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Hi - you can see lots with your scope. Someone already said about Stellarium - great advice. I always put a list of targets together using this before I head out into the night. I found Turn Left At Orion helpful to find some of the easier DSO's and I have a very trusty star chart which helps when I am out in a field somewhere. Happy Hunting


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