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Premium Telescope 76/700

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I am a complete novice!! I received this telescope as a gift have put it together correctly I hope, but I have no instructions how to start using it to view the stars I suppose it has to be a clear night with no clouds. The view finder is fine but the eyepiece connection I can only see nothing. Any help please or can anyone tell me where I can buy an instruction manual.  Thanks

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When you say "see nothing" what do you mean? Do you see a blurry image or is everything just black?

If it is just black have you taken the dust cap off the end of the telescope? I assume this is the telescope you have: http://www.bresser.de/en/Junior/National-Geographic-76-700-EQ-Telescope.html, in which case the end that you point at objects you want to view (and will have a dust cap on) is the same end as the eyepiece focuser (left in that image).

If the image you see is blurry then try putting just the eyepiece marked H25 into the focuser (don't use the parts marked barlow or erecting eyepiece) and point your telescope far into the distance, then turn the knobs under the focuser to move the eyepiece in and out so that it comes into focus.

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Many thanks to you all for your comments. The telescope is a National Geographic Premium Telescope 76/700 EQ refractor model from Bresser. I have tried all the above made sure the room is dark, adjusted my eyes, tried the different eyepieces which are 9/12.5/25 mm and still have nothing no blurry image just black, when I remove the eyepieces I can see the mirror image. Many thanks. Bullet steps may help me!!!!

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They don't focus on close objects.

If the telescope has a mirror at the bottom of the tube then it is a reflector.

The mirror has to be at the bottom of the tube and the open end of the tube pointing in the direction you want to look.

Start with the 25mm eyepiece. This is the lowest magnification and the easiest to work with.

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Hi Adds,

Just like you I received this model telescope as a gift too.

I'm  a  beginner so I couldn't give you a comprehensive list of troubleshooting ideas. Besides, I think they have all been covered in the above posts.

One thing I will add to try and help would be just to use the eyepieces and not the barlow or erecting lenses that came supplied.

I have only managed to get out once with the telescope but I managed to get a nice view of the moon. I did this by setting the scope up outside and finding the moon in the finderscope (I have found the finderscope to be very accurate, once aligned). I then used the 25mm eyepiece to see the moon using the telescope. At this point I had to focus the eyepiece. To do this, the hole where you put the eyepiece you will see 2 turning knobs. Turn these whilst looking through the eyepiece to bring the moon into focus. At this magnification you will be happy, I was. You can do better though, change the eyepiece to the 12.5mm. You will have to refocus but you will get a more detailed view, just like a 3d view! At this point the clouds rolled in and I didn't get to try the 9mm eyepiece.

I hope this may help you in some way.

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I think it would be a great good idea that would Ed. How about making a post was stickied in newcomers section  that gave a simple breakdown on the different types of scopes & mounts and how to use in janet and john speak. There are lots of videos also out there and these could also be attached to give newcomers a simple reference point before they came into the forums.

Not that I have any problems with newcomers and questions asked, its all quite good fun and part and parcel of the hobby. Just that maybe a simple guide would help so many as often the questions are the same.

How about "Bought a telescope and need some help, read on".

Then a simple post explaining each type of scope in basic terms, differing mounts with additional references to further links such as for collimation etc.

If admin thought it a good idea i am sure a few members could put together a draft maybe

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  • 2 weeks later...

Many thanks you lot. Have now changed my telescope to a refractor and hope to have more luck with this sort. I think the above comments by Baz would be brilliant quick A-Z instructions for a reflector and a refractor would help me as I think I must be doing something wrong.

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