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brand new stargazer

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Hi all ive just become the proud owner of a Skywatcher 130 EQ2. Ive put it together and balanced it (i think) now i just need to align it. I can see there is plenty of friendly information on here for me so id just like to introduce myself im Jamie and to wish everyone a merry christmas and maybe beg for a few beginners tips. Im not new to astronomy but i am to telescope use. Thanks all

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Hi Jamie, enjoy the scope, align the finder scope with the main scope using a distant object in the day time , it'll get you familiar with the scope before fumbling around in the dark .Download some astro weather apps and stellarium for PC

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Hi - I started earlier this year with a Celestron EQ, and couldn't take to it, what with difficulties aiming and balancing it.  (The problem was most likely with me rather than the 'scope!)  However, I swapped it for an alt-az mounted refractor and really took off.  After another swap, I now have a Celestron Nexstar 127 Mak GoTo (also alt-az) which is easy to aim, align, and use.  Had some good results already, and during the bad weather I'm planning my future targets.

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For alignment for scope to finder point scope at something distant - like an Englishman on the other side of the channel :eek: :eek: , then gently adjust the finder so they are in the centre, then recheck the main scope again.

Do not align on anything who's distance is measured in feet or yards, you want something about 1 or 2 miles away. Hence some Englishman on the other side of the channel. :grin: :grin:

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Only getting fuzzy white light when focusing.... You should have two eyepiece adapters with your 'scope, a 1.25" and a 2", don't use both together otherwise you will never achieve focus. Also, under the focusing assembly is a locking-screw, make sure this is slack otherwise when you turn the focusing knobs nothing will happen (and then the Englishman on the other side of the channel will just get bored and go home).

If you can, join at least one local astro group, there's bound to be people there who can offer you adive and tips. Of course, many people on here are more than willing to help too....

Welcome to SGL btw :)

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Hello Jamie and welcome to SGL. If you are looking for some, pardon the expression, "idiots guides" then try this guy 

His videos are very cheesy but easy to follow. He has several that would help you master the basics needed to help get you going.



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