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Said I was interested in Astronomy as a child (over a half century ago the I started THAT) to the family.


Celestron SLT 130 (with he WiFi adapter)

Skywatcher 114

Skywatcher 80

mounts (as supplied) for the above.

hansdets for the above where supplied

Celstron Advanced VX ( the SLT 130 must was not fit for Scottish summer breezes let enough the wee draughts we get later in the year)

and handset



miscellaneous lenses (nowt spectacular) from 4mm to adjustable 8mm-25mm (or there about)


Nikon D90

Canon 700d

metal work to use above for prime focus

lenses ranging for 35mm f1.8 to 70-300 F4.5 


5 x 1.24" filter wheel (manual)

and no idea who to make any of their work - particularly getting the  one of the DSLR piggyback the 80mm piggyback on the 130 or 114.

Got the toys, don't have the rules.

Did manage a dodgy shot of the 'big' comet last year on it's way back out......

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Welcome to SGL iapa.

                                  Unfortunately, whilst being deluged in loads of equipment is very nice, especially if they are gifts. 

( I may have misunderstood you there. )   It can prove quite daunting when it comes to putting it all into place.

Reading matter should be your next requirement. Much has been written and published surrounding Astronomy,

but doing the simple things first are important steps in putting a very large Puzzle in place.

Time is not your enemy either, don't rush through it.

You'll be surprised at becoming familiar with one aspect of the kit you have, will reveal big clues to the rest of it.

The telescope is the heart of all the rest of the gear. Learn how to use that first doing simple observations,

and teaching yourself the sky, and the objects residing their. There are so many different objects to


Imaging is a very different activity, and again, their are many books on the subject.

Two books will help you a great deal. They deal with both disciplines .

1 Turn Left At Orion.

2 Make Every Photon Count.

Much help is also available through the membership, who are

very keen to help all who need it and ask for it, so don't hesitate to 

use the vast knowledge base these forums  have  at your disposal.

Best Wishes.


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Said I was interested in Astronomy as a child (over a half century ago the I started THAT) to the family.


Celestron SLT 130 (with he WiFi adapter)

Skywatcher 114

Skywatcher 80

mounts (as supplied) for the above.

hansdets for the above where supplied

Is there anyway I can get adopted ?

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Hi Iapa and welcome to SGL, For those gentle breezes you have in Scotland, you could try using some sand bags, or other such weighty objects, suspended from your tripod, helps to steady things up a little.

sounds like you are also in the market for some helpful information on some of the accessories you would like to use, There is a wealth of advice to be had, if you promote your inquiries into the imaging and photographic sections of the forum, many members may well have had similar problems, who may be able to furnish you with good advice.

Literature has been mentioned by Ron, I would whole heartedly support the recommended, "Turn Left at Orion" and for all imaging and photographic work, "Making Every Photon Count". However, the last publication is not available through normal retail book outlets, but is available from FLO see top of this page for details.

Take things at a slow and steady pace, is often mentioned when trying to come to terms with Astronomy, especially where imaging and Photography are concerned, I am sure with the help of the forum and some sound advice, you are sure to get to grips with it in the end, enjoy the forum and your Astronomy :) 

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Thanks for the warm welcomes, and suggestions.

My main problem to solve is to get everything - mechanically - connected, DSLR to spotter to 130mm OTA.

The bolts and spacing all seem not to fit...... look like a vice and an electric drill ( not done anything like like since pre 'o' levels in the early '70s :))

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Thanks for the warm welcomes, and suggestions.

My main problem to solve is to get everything - mechanically - connected, DSLR to spotter to 130mm OTA.

The bolts and spacing all seem not to fit...... look like a vice and an electric drill ( not done anything like like since pre 'o' levels in the early '70s :))

Do post some questions in the 'Getting Started With Imaging' section! Also, think in terms of doing things one step at a time - that's the way to overcome complexity :)


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