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daylight viewing

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Certainly possible, and the best candidates are Venus and Jupiter. Finding them is the hard part. You need to be very careful not look at the sun accidentally, so it's best to try from somewhere where the sun is blocked by a house or building.

I've found Jupiter at 2pm (using goto!) before, and tracked it all the way through until darkness. The contrast is much lower during the dark, but great to see. It's actually interesting to see the contrast increase as the day progresses, it's hard to tell that the sky is getting darker because your eye compensates for it, but you can see the extra detail coming through.

Venus is often better observed in twilight anyway as it is so bright. Again, it's closer to the Sun normally so be careful!

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The moon passes each planet once every lunar cycle. As it comes near the planet you're looking for, it gives you a great indication of where in the sky to look, assuming you don't have go-to.

Be warned. Once you've seen a planet during daytime, you're never allowed to complain about light pollution ever again.

Good luck :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have observed Venus quite a few times during the day and Jupiter as well, but usually located before dawn though. Venus also caught me out one afternoon during a solar session. I was casually scanning the sky/surrounding area with my Binoculars when i spotted what looked like a "silver sphere" disappearing behind the moving clouds.....  :shocked: It was a good 30 minutes before the penny finally dropped  :grin:

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When I have observed in the day I have used the moon or sun (with solar filter) to align the goto then slewed to the planet.

A red filter helps improve contrast as it makes the sky appear black.


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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There will actually be a great opportunity to view Mercury during the day on 9th May next year (and it's a Saturday!) - but you will definitely need a solar filter, as it will be transitting the sun.

I noticed this and have made a note in the diary, weather permitting I believe it is a long duration event as well.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk

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