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HEQ 5 mount

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Well I just went upstairs to have a go at it and marked the computer slots etc before removing it, put everything back together again and while the belts were off had a try, success it worked, ok put the belts back on tried again and cant connect came up again could not believe it, took the belts back off panicking and cursing and it worked again. I,m guessing its not the motherboard but maybe a loose connection somewhere also prob had the tension a bit tight. I have put it all back together and been trying it over the last hour and touch wood its worked so far. The only thing thats bugging me is it saying that time cant connect stand alone,  thanks for the help guys edit it was the rowan type belt

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Well I just went upstairs to have a go at it and marked the computer slots etc before removing it, put everything back together again and while the belts were off had a try, success it worked, ok put the belts back on tried again and cant connect came up again could not believe it, took the belts back off panicking and cursing and it worked again. I,m guessing its not the motherboard but maybe a loose connection somewhere also prob had the tension a bit tight. I have put it all back together and been trying it over the last hour and touch wood its worked so far. The only thing thats bugging me is it saying that time cant connect stand alone,  thanks for the help guys edit it was the rowan type belt

May be it was one of the plugs pins not in right when you put the new board in . (keep the old borad) but I say the old  board is playing up, time will tell .

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still not right went back up switched on and cant connect, took the belts off and it connected, could it be the hand controller? failing that if I cant get it to go I will start saving for a new one, or is there a place that services them?

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still not right went back up switched on and cant connect, took the belts off and it connected, could it be the hand controller? failing that if I cant get it to go I will start saving for a new one, or is there a place that services them?

 I can not see how by removing the belts have any thing to do with power ? try this remove the front panel were the hand set go unplug from main board  , remove the little board from front panel and have a

look at all the wires on it I have done 3 mounts with the wires just holding on. unplug the power before you start and do not put your hands on borad with out gloves . or eath your self .

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well i cant tbh i was just clutching at straws, also i noticed if i switched it on sometimes it would work but stay stuck on ( i would press a button for 1 sec but it would slew a lot longer) or it would slew for a sec then all lock up, I undid the hand controller last night to see if i could see anything but all looks ok. it has to be a loose wire somewhere i would have thought but where is anyones guess, just seems to have a mind of its own. 

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FWIW I had problems with wires falling off the PCB and I think this is common. If you have the option of trying another handset - Lenny looks to be the man - that would be a nice easy check to rule out handset issues.

Frustrating if you're missing clear sky but it must be fixable.

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  • 2 months later...

Apologies....only just noticed this thread.

My HEQ5 Pro main board failed a fortnight ago. Not sure exactly what happened but I attempted to power my new StarTech hub off 12 V DC power (via its terminal block) whilst it was connected to my PC via the USB B cable. Next thing I knew it was smoking and my EQDIR adapter was no longer working and the mount was unresponsive (although the power LED was still lit). Tried it with the Synscan handset and got the dreaded "No Link to M.C. Stand-alone mode" error.

I was very careful to ensure I wired it correctly and I pretested it with my 12V supply, but the combination of USB bus power and 12V DC power seemed to be the issue...or something to do with the USB controllers on my PC. I swapped the PC with another PC as a precaution.

Had to order a new board from Opticstar (who were fine) and installed it myself easily enough, plus a new EQDIR adapter (which was no longer recognised under any of my other Windows PCs). Now works again. Am in discussion with StarTech currently about this and the hub is in Canada undergoing tests...but I've no idea what happened.


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