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newbie from sunny scunny


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hi, just joined. need to learn as much as possible to pass on to my 11yr old granddaughter at xmas when i give her her 1st telescope. this is a skywatcher 1300mm fitted to a az goto mount. just getting to grips with it but any other advice would be welcome, ie- eye pieces, what o look at to impress her etc.


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Hi tommyrob. Just live over the bridge from you. Not so sunny in scunny at the moment, although I'm sure your granddaughter will love the views through the new scope. The moon is always a wow when you first see it through the telescope. Best to view it when still in crescent and gibbous phases, rather than at full or close to full moon as you can see craters, seas and other features better, especially near the terminator shadow area.

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Hi tommyrob and welcome to the forum. You might want to consider downloading some free planetary software called Stellarium, which has lots of great features that will help her learn the night sky and how everything moves from east to west etc, is especially useful when the clouds come in and so will help maintain her interest!

Clear skies and hope you enjoy the forum.

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Hi and welcome to SGL - Looks like all previous posters have covered the basics, so I won't repeat that! Perhaps make sure that you both have some warm clothes and footwear (or socks) as it can get mighty chilly out there and I can imagine that the cold would kill all enthusiasm for an 11 year old.

Look forward to seeing you around :)

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