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Hello From Cape Town


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Hi Everyone

My name is Steve ,I have always enjoyed looking at the night sky with amazement and made some attempts with Astrophotography... sadly with mostly terrible results...however just ordered Celestron AVX mount, Celestron 80mm guidescope to start with and intending to get Starshoot for guiding alongside PHD ,using my trusty Nikon D7000, all this after previously cancelling My 8" Edge HD order as I was worried it was a bad choice for DSO...So My question is...If I were to get one Refractor (for Planetary) and a 2nd telescope for DSO with a budget of £500-£800 each, what advice do the experienced ones have ?


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Hi Steve and welcome to SGL - If you are interested in imaging DSO's (can't help with planetary stuff) then if you can, try and get hold of the book 'Making Every Photon Count' available from the book section of the FLO website - It really is something of an imaging bible and should be read once, twice and thrice before parting with a single rand :D Then you will know what you need and why you need it.

Look forward to seeing you around and hope you can get hold of the book :)

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Hi Steve, and welcome to SGL. Sorry, I don't feel qualified to advise, but there are many on here who can, and i'm sure will.

I've visited Capetown a couple of times over the last few years and remember the Southern Cross, and Orion appearing upside down!! (I was disappointed not to see the Magellanic clouds. Have to go back!)

Best wishes and clear skies.


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Hi Steve and welcome to SGL, you opening thread has very loaded questions dealing with Astrophotography, might I suggest you repost into the appropriate sections of the forum, where I feel sure you will, no doubt, receive some excellent advice, from our many experienced imagers.

I fully support what Sara has recommended in obtaining a copy of "Making Every Photon Count" FLO has international delivery, but you may also obtain a copy direct   http://www.skyatnightimages.co.uk  if you so wish.

Enjoy your Astronomy and the forum :)

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