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I have had an interest in astrophotography for sometime, sadly living in the middle of London I wasnt able do very much due to the excessive light pollution.

However, I've just moved into the sticks where the light pollution is considerably less, so nows the time for me to investigate this in more detail, so I will be posting in the beginners forum shortly.

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I am also new to SGL. Live on the Big Island, one hour from the Vis[itor Center] in Mauna Kea. Great astronomy clubs and amateurs here. Some members work at the Keck and CFHT. I have a "new" Celestron CM-1100, now having mirrors recoated by Ostahowski Optics. New =  kept in original non-airtight boxes for 15 years, hence  mildew was eating the aluminum. Also an 18 inch F4 dob with a Zabuto mirror.  Canon EOS 60D.Vixen  Polarie camera holder. And don't take enough advantage of a good location.  Al

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Hi Al and welcome to SGL, you must have some lovely dark skies living near Mauna Kea and some rather nice equipment to go with it. Your opening thread is in response to another welcome message, Perhaps you might like to re-post a welcome message in your own right, as I am sure members will be most interested in your location and the rather nice equipment you are able to observe with. Enjoy the forum :)   

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