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ISS imaging question, optics vs magnification.

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Is it best to Image ISS with clearest optics available or highest magnification I can muster most important ? 

I might have opportunity at ISS early in morning if clouds break with 4 combinations (ccd on refractor, ccd on SCT, DSLR on refractor, DSLR on SCT) unsure which is better?  My goal is simply come away with any kind of recognizable ISS image.  I have 2x barlow if you recommend double mag.


1.  5" SCT (FL 1250mm) F10 or F6.3 with reducer

2.  80mm refractor (FL 480mm) F6


1.  NexBurst ccd (similar to NexImage5)

2.  DSLR

Thanks for any suggestions.


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I've tried a few ways and settled on DSLR on SCT, find a bright star that it will pass using Stellarium and then lie in wait for it, start camera on high speed continuous (JPEGS only) as it approaches and hope for the best, works about 50% of the time.



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I've tried a few ways and settled on DSLR on SCT, find a bright star that it will pass using Stellarium and then lie in wait for it, start camera on high speed continuous as it approaches and hope for the best, works about 50% of the time.


Can stellarium not give your scope instructions to follow it? Many mounts have speeds of multiple degrees/second... Unless it can't do moving targets or the scope isn't computerised?

If you can get it to follow the ISS through the sky, I would think a dslr on video mode would work well, with any scope that has a sharp image, you could process it in registax like a planet image I'd guess afterwards.

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I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to stack the vid in DSS. For a start, manual tracking is so touch-and-go that the ISS will be moving around all over the place! When it's in view at all, that is. Plus it'll rotate. I took a vid on my DSLR and chose individual frames but they were rubbish. I was told to take rapid JPEGs, as Dave suggested. Once I get my SCT I'll have another go. That suggestion of Dave's to wait by a star is great.


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