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Meade DSI


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So i bought some gear second hand and one of the items was a meade DSI camera. I've got the drivers installed on my pc and have tried using their software but my images are pretty terrible. I've seen some spectacular images taken with these so I'm sure i'm hopeful its user error rather than hardware. 

I seem to be getting quite a bit of artefact, the worst being horizontal lines extending from bright spots. People suggested its the usb cable this did seem to help a little but didn't eliminate it. I tried nebulosity 4 (trial version) to see if it was better but after only 2-3 images they all come out black and I have to replug the camera and restart the program to see anything.

Has anyone got experience with one of these? What software drivers cables etc should I be using?

Using: Win 7 also can run OSX

Scope: Explorer 200p

Mount: NEQ6

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