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Hello everyone! I'm so glad to be here.

lonely planet

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Hey guys & girls,

I just wanted to say hello to everyone. I live in Canada....very close to Toronto. I am excited to speak with people that have the passion I feel. The sense of discovery at my fingertips.  I'm a software engineer by trade and a lover of everything science and discovery.

About 2 months ago, my father in-law who has recently suffered a stroke let me take home his Celestron 114EQ PowerSeeker.  I had no idea how it worked but was eager to learn.

The very first night I took the Telescope out to use, the very object I focused on (took a while) in the early evening in mid August....a sharp, life changing image through the eyepiece....Saturn....just wow. I thought it was a trick....like a kaleidoscope.  I felt blessed.

I have many many more posts to come, including some Astrophotography to share.



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Hi Mark! Welcome! First the bad news; you've caught a contagious and incurable disease called "Astronomytitus". There is no cure alas, but the good news is it's not deadly; however it can keep you up at nights sometimes, during which with the new scope you can view and wander through the night sky at your leisure. :) :) :)

Hope you father-in-law recovers well. :)

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Wow.   :smiley:      What a warm welcome!

Thank you all!

I would like to detail my equipment, and environment.  Also, is there a spot I can post my Astrophotography images (Iphone5 + Celestron 114eq PowerSeeker) ?

I hope I will be able to contribute in some way to this community.  Please let me know if I'm in the wrong forum/breaking any rules.


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Hello Mark and welcome from Tim south of Buffalo, NY.  Sounds like you are hooked already!  I feel your excitement over seeing Saturn for the first time.  It just doesn't look real does it?  Many of us still have that same kind of wow-factor every time we view the remarkable night sky!  I never tire of it.  So much to learn, so much to see.

Enjoy your new passion and tell your Father-in-Law we all said hello and wish hime a good recovery.

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