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G'day Mcweasel, and welcome to SGL. Do you own a 'scope yet? One thing I would suggest is to really think hard and ask loads of Q's before spending. Things like,are you likely to want to take pictures and if so what sort of targets? Are you likely to be the kind of person whoenjoys hunting targets down manually or are you likely to want electronic assistance. The answer to these questions will go a long way in determining what sort of set-up you're going to want.

Lastly, if you can get along to your local astronomy society and see for yourself whats available, all the better :)

As has been mentioned, if you have any questions, just ask in the relevent sub-forum. You'll find most of us love to share our knowledge....thats how we got it 

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Hey All, thanks again for the welcome, everyone seems really friendly and a good place share knowledge

Auspom - I don't own a 'scope yet, I've got another post running for advice. I did manage to stop my Mrs from getting me a Groupon one, and thanks to the feedback I've got a better idea of what I want. 

Sadly my local club meet at the same time I take my children to Scouts. I'm not fussed about electronic assistance just yet, simply picking a patch of sky & seeing what I find is sufficient at the moment, but who knows how my needs will develop over the coming years.

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Hi, My name is Martin,

I just finished setting up my p200 skywatcher after adding the upgrade kit for the EQ5 mount. All i need now are some clear skies and a bit of help when i get stuck, which will probably be often. :grin:

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Hi, My name is Martin,

I just finished setting up my p200 skywatcher after adding the upgrade kit for the EQ5 mount. All i need now are some clear skies and a bit of help when i get stuck, which will probably be often. :grin:

Hi Martin, welcome to SGL :) That's a great scope you have there - it was my 1st serious scope and I still love using it, you're in for some breath-taking views! If you ever need help with anything, feel free to ask for it here - SGL is an incredibly friendly bunch ;)

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