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Hello from Alberta, Canada


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Greetings to all!

I have seen this site come up many times while "google-ing" for solutions to astronomy issues over the years, and have always found the community here to be both knowledgeable and helpful.  So I thought I would join up!

My equipment is not nearly as extensive as many here, but I have been adding as I go and finally am starting to get some decent results with what I have.  Plus, having made almost every mistake in the book - and worked through a lot of them - I might be able to make a few contributions!

I am almost exclusively an astroimager.  I have a set of eyepieces, but with only 1 main telescope that runs with a camera of one kind or another, they don't get used much.

My main equipment includes the following:

Celestron CGEM800 SCT main scope with Canon D500 (T1i) DSLR or Celestron Nightscape main imager, sometimes with F6.3 reducer.

Orion Short-tube 80  with QHY5 for guiding.

Celestron NexImage 5 for planetary imaging, with 2X, 2.5X, 3X, 5X barlows.

Kendrick DigiFire 12 Dew Heater setup.

MicroFocus setup.

My main software includes the following:

Maxim DL Pro 6 (with PinPoint LE, FocusMax)

SkyTools 3.0 Professional

Backyard EOS 3.1.4 Premium


PHD Guiding 2



I don't have an observatory, but I have set up my Kendrick Astronomy Tent in my backyard, and plan to leave my equipment in it and use it over the winter to see how feasible it might be to build one next year.  If I find I am using it and enjoying it, and able to get some decent results this way (even with my light polluted suburban sky!) they it may be worth the investment for when I retire in a few years.  So far so good.

Anyway, I am looking forward to participating with the community.

Clear Skys!


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Greetings to all!

I have seen this site come up many times while "google-ing" for solutions to astronomy issues over the years, and have always found the community here to be both knowledgeable and helpful. So I thought I would join up!

My equipment is not nearly as extensive as many here, but I have been adding as I go and finally am starting to get some decent results with what I have. Plus, having made almost every mistake in the book - and worked through a lot of them - I might be able to make a few contributions!

I am almost exclusively an astroimager. I have a set of eyepieces, but with only 1 main telescope that runs with a camera of one kind or another, they don't get used much.

My main equipment includes the following:

Celestron CGEM800 SCT main scope with Canon D500 (T1i) DSLR or Celestron Nightscape main imager, sometimes with F6.3 reducer.

Orion Short-tube 80 with QHY5 for guiding.

Celestron NexImage 5 for planetary imaging, with 2X, 2.5X, 3X, 5X barlows.

Kendrick DigiFire 12 Dew Heater setup.

MicroFocus setup.

My main software includes the following:

Maxim DL Pro 6 (with PinPoint LE, FocusMax)

SkyTools 3.0 Professional

Backyard EOS 3.1.4 Premium


PHD Guiding 2



I don't have an observatory, but I have set up my Kendrick Astronomy Tent in my backyard, and plan to leave my equipment in it and use it over the winter to see how feasible it might be to build one next year. If I find I am using it and enjoying it, and able to get some decent results this way (even with my light polluted suburban sky!) they it may be worth the investment for when I retire in a few years. So far so good.

Anyway, I am looking forward to participating with the community.

Clear Skys!


Welcome Steve nice to have you here.

I too am a newbie and I find the people here very knowledgeable and friendly. I'm sure you will enjoy yourself.

Clear skies


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I am a new member from the Scottish Bordersand trying out my Celestron NexStar 8 SE. Have learned some useful things already from this forum re alignment. I have to confess that on day 1 the tube flew off the fork arm as I obviously didn't have it properly installed. I caught it before it fell but not before it acquired two scratches in the lovely orange paint. Can anyone tell me what this paint is please?

My first attempt at alignment was tonight between rain showers and it seemed to be going to the exact polar opposite of my searches! Not really expecting anyone to help with this. I know I need to practise a lot more with the Finderscope and to use a larger area of sky for triangulation. Hope I have put this in the right slot and hello to new member from Alberta.

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Hi Steve and welcome to SGL - Glad that you found us and hope that you enjoy your time here. This place is packed full of knowledge and as you have seen, most google searches lead you here eventually :D

Look forward to seeing you around :)

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