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Celestron Axiom 34mm

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I've never considered these eyepieces, and there seems little info on cloudy nights about them - does anyone have any experience of the above eyepiece? Particularly in f/5 scopes.

Only Dhinds has one half price - seems quite attractive - 70 degree field and all.


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Hi Andrew,

I think Helen used to have one of the Axioms - perhaps she will chip in in due course with her opinion.

I've not used one myself but I was thinking about one a while ago - Greenwitch were doing a similar deal - and did some background reading around the web. The conclusion I came to was that they were good quality eypeices with nice Japanese glass and would work well in medium to long FL scopes but would not be in the Panoptic league when the focal ratio drops below, say, F/6.

I found this review of the 19mm 2inch Axiom on Astromart which might be of some interest:



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Hi Andrew,

John's right, I used to have the 40mm 2 inch version (it came with the scope). It was a nice, well made, high quality Japanese eyepiece, but it was just too big for me. Zeffer (its previous owner) loved it! I sold it on here last year, and I got an email from the new owner saying how great it was. I only ever used it in an f10 scope though, so can't comment on how it work at f5...

One thing you might want to take into account though is that my eyepiece took quite a while to sell at half new price. I think this was because, as you've found, there is very little info out there about them, and Celestron has now replaced them. So you might have a problem selling on if it proves not to be what you're after...



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  • 3 years later...

I've Just read this thread whilst I was trying to find out more about the old style Axiom Eyepieces and I recognized that I was the purchaser of the half price 34mm David Hinds had for sale.

It really is a great EP with fantastic contrast and pin-sharp views across 95% of the field and very little distortion at the edge.:rolleyes:

Unfortunately when I purchased it from D.Hinds the Eye relief and the caps were missing ;) so I cannot comment on this aspect. Adam Hinds did promise to try and locate them and forward them on but I haven't heard anything since so I assume he either forgot or didn't find them. Does anybody have any idea where I might be able to get an eye relief for it?

(Do not confuse with the newer Axiom LX (which has recently been renamed Luminos) - the old Axiom is Japanese made and has a 70 degree field of view unlike the new Axiom LX which has 82 degree FOV and is Chinese made).

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