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Hi Everyone,

While I'm new to the forum, I've done some 'backyard 'astronomy before,and a year or two ago I bought a Celestron NexStar 8SE.

I've spent many great nights skulking behind the tall hedge in the garden,shielding myself from the streetlights.I'm amazed at what you can see when it's never properly dark!

However, I've now done A REALLY STUPID THING,and I'm hoping that someone out there can help.

The other night, after tracking down NGC7626  in Pegasus, I returned to the house and fiddled with the scope.

Curiosity got the better of me, and,in the belief that it's possible to remove it to attach a camera,I started to unscrew the secondary mirror holder in the centre of the corrector plate.

It unscrewed easily(!) but then I realised that it wouldn't unscrew any more as thhe part under the corrector plate was turning too.Not only that,but it wouldn't screw up again either.

Now I'm left with it half unscrewed, with a play of about 2 or 3 mm.I'm loathe to fiddle any more,as I don't want the bottom half to fall off and hit the primary mirror.

Can anybody help..........please ?

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OPPS.....If you hold the secondary mirror holder with one hand,in the middle,use 3 fingers,then,gently tighten the outside ring[i think it turns clockwise to tighten,be very gentle.You will have to check the collimation afterwards.If you don`t feel brave enough,your scope has a 2 year warranty,phone the dealer and should help.Des

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Hi and welcome to SGL.

I don't know if your scope has a "Fastar" secondary but in case you have it you can install a Hyperstar lens and CCD, DSLR or other compatible type of camera for imaging. In any case as -

des anderson- said you have to re-collimate your scope. Take a look here... http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/182442-nexstar-68se-collimation/

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Hi Starling and welcome to SGL. How many of us have unscrewed something we wish in the end, we never had touched, more times than many of us care to remember I should think. The 8SE is a popular scope and although you may get some response here in the Welcome section, your best course of action is to repost in the Equipment help and guide sections, this has a far bigger following and I am sure someone will be able resolve your difficulties, enjoy the forum :)

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