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First solar images, bonus jetliner.


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My inexpensive tin foil looking solar filter arrived Fri.  Slapped it on the ED80TCF today to takes some shots, pretty neat.  Had difficulty focusing until I switched over to video mode on DSLR and zoomed in.  Only then was able to see spots clear enough to get focus.  Was shooting at ISO 100, 1/4000 of sec.  Took about 40 images trying different speeds / ISO combos.  Didn't even notice the jet until looking through images in Lightroom. Don't know how to bring the prominence out or maybe I won't be able to bring it out with the film type filter I have or need to use barlow to be closer than 480mm to see prominence? Anyway was nice break from raking leaves.






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Lovely shots, ML, what a catch for your first session! Focus looks good to my eyes.

With this type of solar filter (white light), you won't see prominences. To see prominences you need a hydrogen-alpha solar telescope (like a Coronado PST or Lunt 50), or if you have a compatible refractor, something like a Coronado SolarMax Solar filter set or a Daystar Quark. The cost is unfortunately much more than white light. Also h-alpha gives a red image so although you can use a colour camera with it, ideally, you'd use a monochrome video camera. That said, I have seen some very nice DSLR h-alpha pics so don't let that put you off, it's just mono is ideal as all pixels will record the h-alpha, whereas with a colour camera, only the red pixels (1/4 of the total pixels) will.

Look forward to more pics!

PS white light and h-alpha show aspects of the sun differently so many of us into h-alpha do both.

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