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Which would you buy?

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Having trouble deciding which scope to buy. Celesteon 130SLT or Celesteon 5SE. The 130SLT has a bit bigger aperture and you can put 2" eyepiece. The SE mount is better and you can also put it in EQ mode. Grrrr I can't decide. Help.

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Hi Ricky,

The Celesteon 130SLT is a newtonian type telescope which for almost the same aperture will give you better views for nebula and big galaxies (DSO's) and wider FOV than the 5SE while the 5SE will most probably (it depends on the darkness of your location), give you better planetary views. So, for plenty of DSO's, given the small apertures, go for the Celesteon 130SLT and for mostly planetary use go for the 5SE.

Just keep in mind that DSO's are thousands, to see with our limited sky, planets from the other hand are just 6-7 for the 5SE  aperture. So if I were you I'd go for the Celesteon 130SLT.

That's my personal opinion.   

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Just one clarification here...

I'm not saying that with the 5SE you'll not see DSO's, of course you will but the views will be much "darker" and in narrower FOV.

So, again for this apertures, if I were you I'd go for the newtonian so to be able to see more targets in wider FOV and of course brighter.


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