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Globular clusters in M31


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This image taken with my 9cm refractor telescope has tiny extra's :) I took this image during the past year using a cooled CCD camera (QSI583) and a 9,2 cm refractor (TMB92) during a number of dark nights.

For this image 9,6 hours of data were taken:
19x300s L
3x300s B
9x300s R,G
9x900s Ha ; 12x1200s Ha
Total: 9,6 hours
When doing some research I found that it is possible to see globular clusters, like we know in our own galaxy, that are mainly located in the Galactic Halo, in M31.
This images gives an overview of some of the brightest globulars that can be found and are a nice challenge for imaging but also for visual observation.
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Avdhoeven - Amazing image of M31, thanks for posting.

I have always been fascinated by globular clusters, (though never had the telescope/dark skies to really resolve them into stars). But I had no idea that it was possible to observe them outside our own galaxy (ie without a camera). What sort of telescope would be required to see them around M31?

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Very nice presentation. I have tried to see them from my dark sky site but have never succeed in recognising any. Must try again.

Laudropb - what would you be looking for? Having no experience of M31 beyond the familiar milky glow, I cant imagine what a globular would look like at that distance - ie how could you distinguish it from all the other points of light?

If you succeed at you dark sky site, I might have to get down to Euston and book a ticket on the next train to Glasgow.

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Avdhoeven, you have inspired me to produce this for my own image, using yours as a guide. It may be a little over-optimistic in parts, but I enjoyed chasing down the little dots. A bit like doing a jigsaw puzzle. Where do you get the cluster numbers from?


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