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New Member from Dundee

Dundee Trooper

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Hi Guys,

Yes another new member.  42 years old and really got the bug for staring at those little white dots in the sky.

I really want to get into astrophotography, I hope I'm in the right place.

Not got a wide angle lens yet, but working on it.  Done a lot of research on camera settings and used Deepskystacker but the photos turned out very poor (used Photoshop too).  I'm obviously doing something wrong so I hope you guys can steer me into the right direction. 

From Dundee and only 10 minutes from a clear, light pollution free sky.  Went out yesterday and looked up.  OMG, beautiful.  Just wish I could capture some of that beauty.  Even saw and recognised, the Milky Ways too.  So happy.

That's me.


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Hi, Alex, and welcome to the forum from farther up the coast.

You've come to the right place for advice but, sorry, I can give none on AP.

What I can advise you to do, though, is have fun while you're doing what you're doing ...


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Welcome Alex. With some great dark skies up in your part of the world you should get some stunning images. Was up in Livingston last week for work and was hoping to get some clear skies whilst up there, but alas the Bristish weather had other plans!

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Hi Alex and welcome to SGL - You have certainly come to the right place! There's a few of us imagers knocking about :D Be warned though..... it's a slippery slope to a broken life in all respects :D

Look forward to seeing you around :)

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Thanks guys for the nice welcome.  Looks like I'm called an "Imager", labelled before I start ;)

Well I'll look around the forum, because the problems I'm having, other would of already had and now solved.

Many thanks, and when I have a half decent photo, I'll post it :)


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