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Crop from a 170 frame moon mosaic from 31-10-15


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Shot this Saturday /Sunday between 10pm and 4am.

I haven't been out with the scope for ages so thought a moon mosaic would be a good way back in. :grin:

Seeing was very good but as you can see there are lots of soft areas when I was shooting through fog patches :sad:

Also I usually shoot moon images through a red filter to improve the seeing, I wrongly assumed the red filter was in line,  it wasn't so this was all shot through the luminance filter. :embarrassed:

Kikking myself as through a red filter this could have been a lot sharper. :mad:

Big overlaps on each frame increased the total needed greatly but because I am out of practice I thought better safe than sorry.

Below is the full 170 frame mosaic @ 10% of full size

and a full size crop (not sure how many frames are in the full size crop). click on the big image to get the full size pic.

Taken through my 10" newt eyepiece projection with a 10mm ep and DMK21mono

each avi was 3000 frames @ 60fps



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