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next step stacking, registax or autostakkert


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The attached single shot image was taken with a Sony A5000 mirrorless camera on a 5" skywatcher . I've perhaps over processed a little in photo editor, but I'm happy with the result , focus etc. I'd now like to do better and stacking several images seems to be the way forward. The same camera set up will be used to acquire 10 or so images , is this enough to stack to produce a good result and more importantly which stacking program is easier to us ? Registax or autostakkertpost-8763-0-48964700-1446101159_thumb.jp

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With still frames from a DSLR I take a hundred or more and then stack the best ones -- perhaps half that many, maybe fewer depending on the quality.  For full disc lunar images I've had more success with Registax than with Autostakkert, but it may well be worth giving both a try to see how you get on.


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