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I 've got one for ya, 800x drifting through my Z10

stepping beyond

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It was a stellar night the FWHM was in the good range so I stepped Beyond the limits of my Z10 and put the 5x on my Starshoot ll and tweaked focus until just the right moment and "POW" I shot the moon . I ran an avi for over 3000 frames trying not to let it get off the screen.post-39008-0-42432000-1445958910.jpg

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Hey SB, nice one. Curious to know if this is a single frame from your avi and if there is a setting to turn down the contrast in your captures? I'm far from an expert but if you could bump the contrast down, you should be able to process them better and perhaps bring out some extra detail? :smiley:

Would like to see your results without the 5x powermate too, just to compare :bino2:

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