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Hi, just starting to dabble with taking photos of the moon and I'm struggling to achieve the level of sharpness I see on other images on here . Any tip or advice much appreciated. I'm using a small Sony A5000 and have tried to take photos both through a lense and with out via a T-mount . I know nothing of stacking , is this something I need to do ?

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Stacking is probably where you should start.  By stacking you'll reduce the effects of noise in the image which in turn makes sharpening more effective.

I posted how I do it some time back, but I can never find the thread when I want it.  Give me a few minutes...


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Stacking and wavelet sharpening is what will give you the sharpness you're talking about seeing... Registax 6 is the program you need and it's free.

The best thing to do is record a minute or so of moon video, whether your DSLR records video or you use a CCD like a Skyris or Imaging source DMK, stacking a few hundred of the best quality frames and sharpening using wavelets will make the difference. Snapping a single shot will never give you that detail when taken without processing. A single frame can be sharpened in photoshop using the Unsharp mask filter in photoshop... actually does a pretty good job.

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