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hello from N. Alberta (and a question)


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I suppose I've been asking a lot of question about what I see in the skies as of late.  I woke up this morning to let the dogs out and decided to look up to the sky behind me for some unknown reason and I saw something peculiar.  This was what pushed me to get on the internet to look for some answers and so I'm here and hopefully stumbled upon a good community full of knowledge. 

So while I'm here, I will show you the pictures I took that persuaded me to find answers...

I did a little bit of research but I cannot be %100 on what they are.  Instead of speculating, I'll let you experts tell me what it is.  This picture was taken at 0745 local (MDT).  Located north of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, facing South East.
Thanks for the help, and hopefully SGL will open up a new realm of discovery for me
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Hello and welcome to SGL,

As above you saw Venus - the brightest object and Jupiter which is less bright but fairly close.

A little further away and below was a bright red object  - Mars, which is visible to the naked eye.

Jupiter has four bright moons which can easily be seen in binoculars - as can many other astronomical targets.

This free software may help ......


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Hey!  I like Canadian Bacon!  Be careful ... if you are looking up at the sky too much, you are gonna get hooked and the next thing you know, you will want a telescope!  Cool picture, my friend.  I was out one morning and saw all four - Venus, Jupiter, Mars and Mercury!  Snapped a nice photo too.  Thanks for stopping by.  (I am from Western New York, south of Buffalo.)

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